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  1. 研究团队还打算对另外一种JAK抑制剂——托法替尼(Tofacitinib)——进行人体测试。这是一种获批治疗类风湿关节炎的药物,能让老鼠长出毛发。

    The team also plans to test on people another JAK inhibitor , tofacitinib , which is approved for rheumatoid arthritis and grew hair on mice .

  2. 今年6月,耶鲁大学(Yale)皮肤病专家布莱特·金(BrettKing)博士宣称,托法替尼(Tofacitinib)能促进男性普秃患者的毛发生长,且没有任何副作用。普秃是一种几乎可以造成全身毛发全部脱落的疾病。

    In June , Dr. Brett King , a dermatologist at Yale , reported that tofacitinib caused full hair growth and no negative effects for a man with alopecia universalis , a variant involving almost total hair loss .

  3. 缝针支托法在深层角膜异物取出术的应用

    Needle supporting for removal of the deep layer corneal foreign body

  4. 毛细管气相色谱测定改进费-托法合成汽油辛烷值的研究

    Octane Number Determination for MFT Gasoline by Capillary Gas Chromatography

  5. 方法显微镜下采用缝针支托法取出深层角膜异物28例28眼。

    Methods 28 cases ( 28 eyes ) with the deep layer corneal foreign body were treated with operation .

  6. 目的探讨手托法在预防剖宫产儿早期胃食管返流误吸(GER-A)的临床作用。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of preventing gastroesophageal reflux ( GER ) and aspiration in neonates delivered by elective cesarean section with hand immediately after birth .

  7. 简要介绍了油气形成的地幔脱气说、费-托法合成以及板块构造中油气费-托合成的可能方式、接触变质形成油气的机理以及条件等。

    The theory of mantle degassing Fisher-Tropsch synthesis and possible modes oil and gas Fisher-Tropsch synthesis in plate structures , the mechanics and conditions of reservoir formed by contact metamorphism are introduced briefly .

  8. 方法针对导致剖宫产儿胃食管返流误吸的主要原因,根据溺水救治原理,对496例择期剖宫产儿采取促使胃食管、气管内容物排空的手托法。

    Methods On the basis of the principles for drowning resuscitation and evaluation of the principal factors causing GER and aspiration , the author adopted immediate manual man-agement to promote emptying of gastroesophageal and airway contents in 496 newborns delivered by elective cesarean sec-tion .

  9. 某栈桥高30m,重800t,最大下沉770mm,倾斜率达0.028,采用预压桩托换法后,恢复正常使用功能。既有建筑物地基基础高压注浆托换法加固的应用技术

    A trestle weight 800 t , height 30 m , max. settlement 770 mm . Inclination ratio 0.028 were measured . Application of High-pressure Grouting & Underpinning Construction Technique for Reinforcing Existing Building Foundations

  10. 水泥灌浆托换法在碎石桩复合地基中的补强应用

    Strengthening application of cement grout underpinning method in stone pile composite ground

  11. 既有建筑物地基基础高压注浆托换法加固的应用技术

    Application of High-pressure Grouting & Underpinning Construction Technique for Reinforcing Existing Building Foundations

  12. 双层大管棚托换法穿越楼房桩基隧道施工技术

    Tunnel construction technique through the pile foundation of building

  13. 墩式基础托换法的应用

    On the Applying of Exchanging Method of Pier Foundation

  14. 预压托换法加固补强钢筋混凝土灌注桩基础

    Strengthening a Reinforcement Concrete Grouting Pile Foundation with the Precompression Supporting and Changing Method

  15. 筏板基础结合袖阀管注浆复合地基综合托换法在地铁施工中的应用

    Application of Compound Foundational Underpinning for Raft Plank Foundation with Sleeve Valve Tube Grouting in Underground Construction

  16. 实践证明,预压桩基础托换法确为一种行之有效的地基基础加固方法,尤其在西北湿陷性黄土地区更为适用。

    Practice proved , is really an effective reinforce method of ground and basement , especially used in collapsible loess region .

  17. 结合本地区地质情况介绍了基础处理的墩式托换法,该方法经工程实践证明具有良好的推广应用效果。

    Combining the local geological constructure of Zhang jia kou city , the exchanging method of pier foundation of soil treatment is introduced , and the method proves very effective .

  18. 根据预压桩托换法的工艺特点,通过桩–土相互作用的工作原理分析,得出预压桩托换中桩体回弹的工作机理。

    According to the technical characteristics of preloading piles , by analyzing the mechanism of interaction of piles and soil , the mechanism of rebound of piles in the course of underpinning was gained .

  19. 利用废水BOD5和COD比值法、微生物累积托氧量曲线法及COD去除率法可对废水可生物处理性进行评价。

    The ratio of BOD5 and COD in waste water , the curve of microbe oxygen consumption , COD removed rate are used to evaluate treatment result .

  20. 经过5a多使用证明,在黄土地区采用预压托换桩法加固或纠偏类似工程问题是可行的。

    After five years regular service , it can be concluded that preloading underpinning pile is feasible to reinforce or rectify similar structures and project in loess region .

  21. 通过比较托瓶架法和卡具法两种更换方法,突出了改进型闭式卡具的工作效率和经济价值。

    Finally compared the frame method and fixture method , the work efficiency and economic value of this improved shut-type fixture are stood out .

  22. 结果表明:运用消、托、补三法治疗糖尿病足可以提高有效率、保肢率,具有较高的临床参考价值。

    The results showed that treating DF with dispersing , promoting and tonifying methods enhanced the effective rate and provided reference for clinical treatment .