
  • 网络torah;Tora;Tola
  1. 在犹太教的会堂里也设有讲坛,在其上诵读「托拉」和先知的经文。

    In synagogues , the bema ( or bimah ) is a raised platform with a reading desk from which the Torah and passages from the Prophets are read .

  2. 犹太圣经《托拉》解释:“上帝会把你们分散到其他所有民族中间,从地球的一端到另一端,在那儿你们会信奉其他的木神和石神。”

    The Jewish holy book , the torah , explains : " and the Lord will scatter you among all peoples , from one end of the earth to the other , and there you shall serve other gods of wood and stone . "

  3. 线性扫描伏安法研究美托拉腙与DNA的相互作用

    Linear Sweep Voltammetry Study on Interaction between Metolazone and DNA

  4. 溶液pH值低于7.0时泮托拉唑钠极不稳定;

    It was extremely unstable when pH value of pantoprazole sodium solution was lower than 7.0 ;

  5. 泮托拉唑钠及胶囊的HPLC测定

    Determination of Pantoprazole Sodium and Its Capsules by HPLC

  6. 采用HPLC法测定给药后不同时间的泮托拉唑血药浓度。

    Pantoprazole concentrations in plasma were determined by HPLC in the different times .

  7. HPLC法测定泮托拉唑钠肠溶片的含量

    Determination of Pantoprazole Sodium Enteric-Coated Tablets by HPLC

  8. 泮托拉唑、雷尼替丁治疗Hp阳性消化性溃疡对比观察

    Contrast observation of helicobacter pylori positive peptic ulcer treated with pantoprazole and ranitidine

  9. 方法用HPLC法测定配伍后的泮托拉唑钠含量变化,同时观察其外观及pH值的变化。

    Methods The change in content was determined by HPLC , and the change in appearance and pH was inspected .

  10. RP-HPLC梯度洗脱法测定泮托拉唑钠的有关物质及含量

    RP-HPLC gradient elution analysis for the determination of pantoprazole soldium and its related substances

  11. 质子泵抑制剂盘托拉唑对大鼠肝药酶中P450的影响

    Effect of Proton Pump Inhibitor-Pantoprazole on P450 in Rat Liver Microsomes

  12. 结论泮托拉唑钠大鼠长期毒性试验无毒反应剂量为2g·kg-1。

    Conclusion The no-toxic-effect does of Pantoprazole Sodium is 2g · kg ~ - 1 .

  13. 结果泮托拉唑钠与09%NS配伍,3h内较稳定,其余方法配伍均不稳定。

    Results The compatible admixture of pantoprazole sodium for injection with NS is stability of all others for the compatible admixture .

  14. 背景:阿司匹林及氯吡格雷联合抗血小板治疗在世界范围内广泛运用,而质子泵抑制剂(PPI)包括埃索美拉唑及泮托拉唑是临床上最常用于防止胃肠道出血的药物之一。

    Background : Aspirin-clopidogrel antiplatelet dual therapy is prescribed worldwide , with PPIs included esomeprazole and pantoprazole were frequently associated to prevent gastrointestinal bleeding .

  15. 方法:用α1-酸糖蛋白手性固定相,考察了缓冲液的种类和pH、有机改性剂的种类和比例、流速及柱温对泮托拉唑对映体拆分的影响。

    Method : Influences of the pH value of the mobile phase , the organic modifiers , the flow rate and the column temperature on the enantiomeric separation of pantoprazole using α 1 - acid glycoprotein chiral stationary phase were investigated .

  16. 按需服用20mg泮托拉唑可作为轻度胃食管反流病患者的长期治疗手段:ORION试验

    On-demand therapy with pantoprazole 20 mg as effective long-term management of reflux disease in patients with mild GERD : The ORION trial

  17. 目的评价雷贝拉唑(RAB)对消化性溃疡患者的抑酸效应,并与奥美拉唑(OME)、泮托拉唑(PAN)等PPI比较。

    Objective To evaluate the acid-suppression efficacy of rabeprozol ( RAB ) on patients with peptic ulcer and compare it with omeprazole ( OME ) and patoprazole ( PAN ) .

  18. 结果:注射用泮托拉唑钠在4种常用输液以及钾、镁、钙离子水溶液中于4h内其含量、外观、pH值、最大紫外吸收波长均无明显改变。

    RESULTS : No obvious changes were noted in terms of contents , appearances , pH value , UV - absorption maximum wavelength for the injectable pantoprazole sodium solution within 4 hours either in 4 kinds of common infusions or in potassium , magnesium , calcium ions water solutions .

  19. 维尔京群岛是归功于其丰富的造船传统,从中托尔托拉船-加勒比sloops之间独特的-进化而来的。

    The Virgin Islands are credited for their rich boatbuilding tradition , from which the Tortola Boat unique among Caribbean sloops evolved .

  20. 背景:研究表明细胞色素P4502C19(CYP2C19)参与质子泵抑制剂(PPIs)的代谢,是奥美拉唑、兰索拉唑和泮托拉唑的主要代谢途径。

    Background : Many studies have indicated that cytochrome P4502C19 ( CYP2C19 ) involved in the metabolism of proton pump inhibitors ( PPIs ), and it is the main metabolic pathway of omeprazole , lansoprazole and pantoprazole .

  21. 泮托拉唑钠肠溶微丸胶囊人体相对生物利用度和生物等效性研究

    Relative bioavailability of sodium pantoprazole enteric-coated micro-pill capsule in human subjects

  22. 复方泮托拉唑钠胃内漂浮片的制备及含量测定

    Preparation and Quality Control of Compound Pantoprazole Sodium Gastric Retention Tablets

  23. 泮托拉唑钠在果糖氯化钠注射液中的稳定性

    The stability of pantoprazole sodium in fructose and sodium chloride injection

  24. 目的:研究泮托拉唑钠的合成方法。

    OBJECTIVE : To study on the synthesis of pantoprazole sodium .

  25. 结论:泮托拉唑能有效地治疗老年应激性溃疡上消化道出血的发生。

    Conclusion Pantoprazole can effectively treat senile stress ulcer upper gastrointestinal bleeding .

  26. 泮托拉唑预防肾移植术后消化系统并发症的临床观察

    Application of Pantoprazole in preventing digestive complications after kidney transplantation

  27. 泮托拉唑联合凝血酶治疗36例上消化道出血患者的临床研究

    Clinical Researching Pantoprazole Treatment of 36 Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Patients with Thrombin

  28. 泮托拉唑钠治疗急性上消化道出血21例

    Clinical Evaluation of Pantoprazole in the Treatment of Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage

  29. 目的评价2种泮托拉唑肠溶胶囊的生物等效性。

    Objective To evaluate the bioequivalence of Pantoprazole enteric capsules .

  30. 泮托拉唑钠肠溶胶囊处方工艺及稳定性研究

    Study on Preparation and Stability of Pantoprazole Sodium Enteric-Coated Capsules