
  1. “但成百上千年以来,萨伦托人一直都是这么过的。”当我问他,是否认为游客会改变萨伦托时,他笑了。

    But the Salentini have been living this way for centuries . " " When I ask whether he thinks tourists will change Salento , he laughs . "

  2. 1对枣疯病组培苗的观察结果发现,叶片小,节间距短,茎细,腋芽萌发多,托时刺退化成的小叶大是组培苗发生枣疯病的典型症状;

    The main results were as follows : 1 . Observed a great deal of JWB plantlet , we found that , small leaves , short burl distance , thin stem , more axillary bud , stipule thorn became leaves bigger , is the JWB representative symptom ;

  3. 采用TVD有限体积格式对尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹弹托脱落时的流场进行了数值模拟。

    Using TVD finite cubage format , the numerical simulation of APFSDS sabots discatding is proceeding .

  4. 通过一托浅滩时,要一直测深校时水深及海面下多变的沙纹。

    When passing One Fathom Bank , check the depth and variable sand waves below the sea level all the time by echo sounder .

  5. 薛琦表示,最初构思台湾存托凭证时,是把它当作为海外上市的台湾企业“回家”提供的一条便捷途径。

    Mr schive said TDRS were originally conceived as a quick and easy way for Taiwanese companies who listed abroad to " return home " .

  6. 本文介绍了在砖混结构改造中用钢撑支承上部结构的方法,在拆墙托换时用此方法具有施工安全、投资节省等优点,可供同类建筑物改造设计与施工参考。

    This paper introduces one reforming method with wall-beam in masonry structure , which the load on the top of the wall is borne by a " steel brace " when the wall is removed .

  7. 结合广州美术学院030号楼桩基托换工程实践,利用工程计算软件对托换时的桩体及梁进行模拟和应力应变分析,指出其分析结果对设计和施工具有参考价值。

    Combined with constructive practice of changing pile foundation of No. 3 building in Guangzhou Art College , it simulates changing pile body and beam by using engineering calculating software and analyzes stress change , result of which has referential value for design & construction .

  8. 当所有权通过美国存托凭证实现时,投资者很难行使投票权。

    When ownership is via American Depository shares it is difficult to exercise voting rights .

  9. 天鹅绒般柔软的客厅吧台和小饭厅随时提供零食,但是,当你居住在里亚尔托桥旁时,出外探寻美食也是另外一种乐趣。

    There 's a velvety lounge bar and small dining room serving light snacks , but venturing out to eat is a joy in this neighbourhood near the Rialto bridge .

  10. 采用声管测定法、声阻抗测定法和鼻咽压力测定法,研究在Toynbee(托氏)试验时中耳压力、咽鼓管(ET)开放时程和鼻咽压力时程三者间的关系;

    This paper studied the relations between the middle ear pressure , the opening duration of eustachian tube ( ET ), and the duration of nasopharyngeal pressure phase during Toynbee maneuver by sonotubometry , tympanometry and nasopharynx manometry .

  11. 怀特表示,它托拽自己身体时留下的证据显示,这只水蝎很可能已经移出了有水的地方。

    Evidence those it were dragging part of its body suggests those it were probably moving out of runing runing water , Whyte say .

  12. 前后方的颈托与人体仰卧时的颈椎正常生理前凸及其延伸的枕部曲线相一致;

    The both sides blocks are platform shaped , and the edge is consistent to the neck radian curve when the human body is in side lying .

  13. 吃饭结束后要把筷子放在筷子托上,没有筷子托时,把筷子平放在桌子上。

    You should place your chopsticks on the support or put them flat on the table after finishing your meal .