
  • Keiko
  1. 惠子,也许你也有那么幸运的一天。

    Keiko , maybe one day you will be as iucky .

  2. 惠子,你是不是把手机弄丢了?

    Keiko , you lost your cell phone , didn 't you ?

  3. 庄子心平气和地给惠子讲了一个小故事:

    Zhuang Zi calmly told Hui Zi a story :

  4. 惠子听了连连点头,承认庄子比自己高明。

    After hearing this , Hui Zi nodded repeatedly and admitted that Zhuang Zi was wiser than he .

  5. 智慧的庄子和聪明的惠子在濠水的桥上游玩。

    The intelligent Zhang Zi and the clever Hui Zi were strolling on the bridge over the Haoshui River .

  6. 惠子说:“你又不是鱼,你怎么会知道它是否快乐呢?”

    Hui Zi said , " You are not the fish . How could you know that the fish is joyous ? "

  7. 惠子不等庄子把话说完,抢着问道:“您觉得可惜,您想用它做什么呢?”

    Hui Zi couldn 't wait for Zhuang Zi to finish to ask : " You feel it is a pity , then what would you use it for ? "

  8. 惠子说:“现在有个人不知道‘弹’是一种什么东西。你告诉他:‘弹’就是‘弹’,他听得明白吗?”

    Hui Zi said : " Now someone does not know what a slingshot is . You tell him , ' 'A slingshot ' is ' a slingshot ' . ' Can he understand ? "

  9. 惠子说:“如果我告诉他,弹的形状像弓,弦是用竹子做的,是一种射具,他能明白吗?”

    Hui Zi went on : " If I tell him a slingshot is like a bow , its bowstring is made of bamboo , and it is a device for shooting , can he understand ? "

  10. 第二天,梁王见到惠子,就对他说:“你以后讲话直截了当讲,不要再用比喻,拐弯抹角的。”

    The following day the King of Liang met Hui Zi and said to him : " From now on , when you speak , come straight to the point and do not use metaphors and beat about the bush . "

  11. 惠子说:“我的确不是你,却是不知道你在想什么,你并不是鱼,因此,你不知道鱼是否快乐,这是完全可以肯定的了。”

    Hui Zi said , " No , I am not you and do not know what you are thinking about . But you are not fish . So you cannot know whether the fish is joyous or not . This is for sure . "

  12. 有人在梁王面前嘲笑惠子:“这个惠子说话爱用比喻,假如不准他用比喻,那他一定什么也说不清楚了。”

    Someone mocked at Hui Zi before the King of Liang . " This Hui Zi likes to use metaphors1 when he speaks . If he is not allowed to use metaphors , he surely won 't be able to explain anything at all . "

  13. 惠子说:“用别人已经了解的事物来比喻他还不了解的事物,目的是要使他了解。你让我说话不用比喻,那怎么行呢?”

    Hui Zi said : " The purpose of drawing an analogy between the thing people have already known and the thing they don 't know yet is to make them understood . You want me to speak without using metaphors . How can that be done ? "

  14. 惠子觉得庄子这样的行为实在是太过分了。

    Huizi felt that Chuang Tzu did it too far .

  15. 惠子走进房间时安东尼眼睛一亮。

    Antony 's eyes lit up when Keiko walked into the room .

  16. 除了与你和惠子在一起,我哪儿也不愿去。

    There is no place I would rather be than with you and Keiko .

  17. 一天,惠子见到庄子,讲了这样一件事:

    One day , Hui Zi met Zhuang Zi and told him this story :

  18. 这个消息传到梁国后,惠子的谋士们大为紧张。

    The news spread rapidly in the state . Huizi 's lieutenants felt very uneasy .

  19. 她有一个日本朋友叫惠子。

    She had a Japanese friend Keiko .

  20. 第二天,梁王见到惠子,就对他说:

    The following day the King of Liang met Hui Zi and said to him :

  21. 惠子啊!你是不是也感到害怕,以为我这趟来是为了抢你的死老鼠呢?

    Huizi , are you afraid that I would rob you of your dead rat ?

  22. 惠子说:“现在有个人不知道‘弹’是一种什么东西。

    Hui Zi said : " Now someone does not know what a slingshot is .

  23. 有次惠子邀我和另一个朋友去看电影。

    There was a time when Keiko invited a friend and I to see a movie .

  24. 惠子对庄子的戒心消除后,热情洋溢地伸出了他的友谊之手;

    After Huizi removed his alert mind , he gave Chuang Tzu a warm and friendly welcome .

  25. 惠子拿起酒杯一饮而尽:这是苦的,又涩。

    Keiko held the cup and drank it all : This is bitter , and not smooth .

  26. 而惠子对我的影响(就工作而言)嘛,是她把我给拖下了水(笑)!

    So Keiko 's influence ( on my work ) was that she dragged me to this movie !

  27. 惠子和我的单身生活就这样在平静中慢慢的度过,没有波澜,没有起伏。

    The single life of Huizi an me is lived silently and slowly , without ups and downs .

  28. 惠子说她一到屋就哭,问她什么都不说。

    Huizi said that she had been crying since she came back home , without any reason being given .

  29. 有人在梁王面前嘲笑惠子:“这个惠子说话爱用比喻。

    Someone mocked at Hui Zi before the King of Liang . " This Hui Zi likes to use metaphors when he speaks .

  30. 那天晚上,当你和惠子熟睡之际,我看着你们的小脸蛋,强忍着眼中的泪水。

    That night as you and Keiko were asleep , I looked at your little faces and couldn 't help but fight the tears .