
  • 网络WYETH;Wye
  1. 这份裁决是该药制造商惠氏公司近期一系列受挫事件的最新事件。

    The ruling was the latest in a string of recent setbacks for the drug 's maker , Wyeth .

  2. 由惠氏公司出资对626名患者进行临床研究的结果周三发表在《新英格兰医学杂志》上。

    Results from the company-sponsored study of626 patients were reported on Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine .

  3. 辉瑞公司进行此次和解将需要花费六千万美元左右,这笔费用还包括了对惠氏公司贿赂行为的罚款。惠氏制药公司于2009年被辉瑞公司收购,此前它也曾涉嫌海外贿赂。

    The settlement , which will cost it $ 60m or so , covers similar offences committed by Wyeth , another drug firm , before it was acquired by Pfizer in 2009 .

  4. 结论依旧不明了,但由惠氏制药公司资助的新研究发现,试图保护记忆力的妇女也许应该坚持猜纵横字谜。

    The results are still mixed , but a new study funded by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals finds women trying to preserve their memory may want to stick to crossword puzzles .