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  • 网络Moral Model
  1. 实行会计德治的途径是营造道德氛围、强化道德教育、树立道德榜样,坚持理性评价。

    The ways to realize rule of accountant by moral law are to create a moral atmosphere , to consolidate moral education , to establish a moral model , to insist on a rational evaluation .

  2. 因此,有必要从现代视角对道德榜样进行重新审视。

    Therefore , it is necessary to review from the perspective of modern moral example .

  3. 对大学生道德榜样问题的思考

    Thinking on Moral Models of College Students

  4. 我再说一次,美国的道德榜样必须是我们作为世界领袖的基石和灯塔。

    Once again , America 's moral example must be the bedrock and the beacon of our global leadership .

  5. 第五部分主要分析了如何增强道德榜样教育在高校思想政治教育中实效性的对策。

    The fifth section focuses on how to enhance the moral example of the ideological and political education in the effectiveness of education in the path .

  6. 第四部分是道德榜样教育在高校思想政治教育中的作用现状以及原因分析。

    The fourth part is the moral example of ideological and political education in the role of education in the current situation and the reasons for analysis .

  7. 人们对道德榜样的质疑牵涉到两个伦理学理论问题,一个是美德的统一性,另一个是美德的连贯性。

    People 's interrogation on moral models involves two theoretical issues of ethics , one being the unity of virtue and the other the consistency of virtue .

  8. 首先,从分析传统道德榜样教育存在的问题及原因着手,明确了新时期道德榜样教育面临的挑战和责任。

    First , analyzing the traditional moral example education from the problems and reasons existing in the new period to clear the moral example education challenges and responsibility .

  9. 她将背负众望,带头重塑奥巴马所谓的“我们的道德榜样力量”。

    She will lead the effort , so keenly awaited in so many countries , to restore what Mr Obama called yesterday " the power of our moral example " .

  10. 因此,他的童话的教诲功能同传统的童话别无二致,都是通过塑造道德榜样来强调童话的伦理价值。

    Therefore , the function of his fairy tales , like the function of traditional fairy tales , are all didactic , both laying emphasis on the ethical value of fairy tales .

  11. 其次,在分析社会主义核心价值体系的科学内涵和时代价值的基础之上,进一步研究了社会主义核心价值体系与道德榜样教育的关系。

    Secondly , in the analysis of the socialist core value system of scientific connotation and times value based on further research the socialist core value system and moral example education relationship .

  12. 最后,提出了以社会主义核心价值体系引领道德榜样教育,促进社会主义精神文明建设和社会主义道德建设的具体意义和建议。

    Finally , put forward by the socialist core value system of moral education , promote leading example of socialist spiritual civilization construction and the construction of socialist morality specific meaning and Suggestions .

  13. 第二部分对道德榜样的概念进行了界定,并进一步对道德榜样的类型进行分析,探讨了道德榜样教育的理论基础,这是对道德榜样进行深入研究的基础。

    The second part is related to the concept of moral example and further examples of the types and the theoretical basis of the moral example education , this is an example of moral conduct in-depth research .

  14. 不管大学制度如何变化,大学教师永远应该是真理的化身、道德的榜样和社会的良心。

    No matter how the university systems change , university teachers should always be embodiment of truth , example of morality , and the conscience of the society .

  15. 主要的变化,带来了基督教思想是温和的禁欲主义的理论与司法罗马的世界,并强调国家的作用在实施安乐死是一种道德的榜样。

    The main change that Christian thought brought was to moderate the Stoicism and theory of justice of the Roman world , and emphasize the role of the state in applying mercy as a moral example .

  16. 现代大学制度建立以后,大学教师作为知识分子的代表被认为是真理的化身、道德的榜样和社会的良心,而学术自由理念及其制度是大学教师形塑其角色行为的基础。

    University teachers have been constantly regarded as the incarnation or symbol of truth , moral and social conscience ever since the modern university system is established . And the concept and system of academic freedom is the foundation of the roles played by the university teachers .

  17. 我们变得不再是令人生畏的智者,或道德标杆、榜样、灵感启发者。

    We become not a fearsome mind or a moral light , a role model or inspiration .

  18. 道德教育中的榜样作用

    Functions of Models in Moral Education

  19. 义务教育法规定,教师应当是其他人在道德情操方面的榜样,应该致力于教育他人。

    The Compulsory Education Law does stipulate that " a teacher should be a model of virtue for others and should be devoted to the education of the people .

  20. 三是通过广泛开展宣传倡导,利用各种媒体,宣传孝道;利用社会舆论,实现道德控制;通过榜样作用,进行典型引导,在全国范围内弘扬传统孝道。

    Thirdly , using various media , filial piety can be carried out through extensive advocacy . Using social media , moral control can be achieved . Using models , the tradition of filial piety can be carried forward across the country .

  21. 大众道德是时代的需要,也是道德榜样的基础。

    The popular morals are the need of times and are bases of moral example .

  22. 加强党员道德修养和树立大众化的道德榜样是建设社会主义文化的重要方式。

    And ( iv ) it is an important way for the construction of the socialist culture to enhance the moral standards of the Party members and establish popular moral modal .