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dào jù
  • prop;stage property
道具 [dào jù]
  • [prop;stage properties] 演出戏剧或拍摄电影时所用的器物

道具[dào jù]
  1. 道具加上10盒录像带仅花了500元。

    It cost only 500 yuan for stage property and 10 videotapes .

  2. 这些人打电话时候的行为就好像在表演一样,把手机当作道具,所以才会用stage这个词来表示。

    Such individuals appear to be behaving as if they were giving a performance , with the mobile as a theatrical prop , hence the use of the word stage .

  3. 他负责全部舞台道具和灯光。

    He is responsible for all the stage props and lighting .

  4. 比如,在语音识别命令功能上,谷歌眼镜还有不少弊端;而且,它的外观设计与《星际迷航》(StarTrek)中的道具太过相似。

    Voice recognition for commands is still buggy , and the industrial design resembles a Star Trek prop .

  5. 聚集在香港北角地区华丰国货(ChineseGoodsCenter)外的三十多名抗议者中,包括一名身穿大象道具服的孩子,以及多名来自加纳、多哥、喀麦隆和尼日利亚的鼓手。

    The three dozen or so protesters who gathered at the Chinese Goods Center in Hong Kong 's North Point neighborhood included a child in an elephant costume and drummers from Ghana , Togo , Cameroon and Nigeria .

  6. 该支撑大盘与飞机是一架E2鹰眼和其他道具飞机是芹菜灰狗。

    The prop plane with the big dish is an E2 Hawkeye and the other prop plane is a C2 Greyhound .

  7. 各种平板电脑和iPad现在已经成了新闻广播员和电视节目主持人常用的道具,在他们对着镜头侃侃而谈时,手里一般都会拿着这个。

    Tablet computers and iPads have become something of a regular prop held by newsreaders and television presenters while they talk to camera .

  8. 结论FDP对小儿心脏手术CPB期间胃肠道具有保护作用,并可抑制全身炎性反应。

    Conclusions FDP can protect gastro intestine and inhibit systemic inflammatory response in pediatric patients undergoing heart surgery during cardio-pulmonary bypass .

  9. 道具制作公司TimBakerCreations在测量了卫生间的空间尺寸,然后开始设计这款铁王座坐便池。

    Prop-making company Tim Baker Creations started by taking measurements of the bathroom space destined to hold the Iron Throne latrine . Next came the design phase .

  10. 在实景RPG中,玩家扮演某个角色,利用特制的电子道具,完成基于真实环境的游戏任务。

    In Real RPG , player plays a role to accomplish some tasks in real game world using special electrical facilities .

  11. 我司供应50寸等离子电视、DVD、道具模特、龙门衣架租赁,及其他展架、桌椅、玻璃柜租赁。

    Our supply of50-inch plasma TV , DVD , props , models , gantry hanger leases , and other exhibition stands , tables and chairs , glass-fronted cabinets leasing .

  12. PU应用领域包括:仿真道具制作、建筑装饰、场馆设施、户外展览用牌匾、艺术创作、雕塑模型的保护等。

    PU can be applied in the fields such as emulational properties production , architectural decorations , venue facilities , tablets for outdoor exhibition , shields for art works and maquette sculptures .

  13. 我们都在电影或电视上看到过苹果的iPad和笔记本电脑MacBooks被演员们当做道具来使用。

    Anyone who has ever watched a movie or a TV show has seen actors turning to their iPads and MacBooks as props .

  14. 当发射端不知道衰落信道的信道状态信息(CSI)时,发射端需要使用二维空时编码以保证各信道具有良好的性能。

    When the transmitter does not know the channel state information ( CSI ), it needs to use the two-dimensional space-time coding to ensure that each channel has a good performance .

  15. 在课程期间,我将若干顶帽子和Marty的假发带进课堂,10通过这些道具区分不同的人物。

    During that class , I bring several hats , and my Marty wig , 10 to class and use them to distinguish the person talking .

  16. 此次拍卖会在比佛利山庄举行,会上展示了杰克逊演艺生涯当中所用过的465件物品,包括他在巡回表演和MV中用到的服装和道具等。

    The auction , held in Beverly Hills , showcased 465 lots of items spanning Jackson 's career through the years , including costumes and props used on tour and in music videos .

  17. 《老友记》大部分剧集拍摄之时,手机和Google都还未普及,剧中的服装和道具现在看来也有些过时,但是,剧中的主题却依旧深得现在年轻观众的心。

    Most of Friends was shot before cellular phones and Google were ubiquitous . The clothes and gadgets seem a bit outdated these days . Despite this , the show 's key elements still hold up remarkably well in the eyes of young viewers .

  18. 安吉丽娜38岁,布拉德50岁,他们一起参加了在Kensington宫殿举办的对电影中的道具和服装进行展出的私人接待会。

    Angelina , 38 and Brad , 50 , attended a private reception at Kensington Palace in which props and costumes from the movie were exhibited .

  19. 灾难发生地已经变成网红打卡地了。Instagram上的网红正在使用切尔诺贝利作为他们的Instagram照片的“道具”。

    The site of the disaster has become an internet-famous site for Instagram influencers to capture selfies . Instagram influencers are using Chernobyl as a ' prop ' for their Instagram pictures .

  20. 不过等我布置这间密室时,我最后肯定会省掉所有情色道具,而选择放一把La-Z-Boy休闲躺椅,一台超大屏幕的电视和一条直通棒约翰(PapaJohn’s)披萨店的热线电话。

    But when the time came to furnish it , I 'd end up eschewing all the erotica and opting for a La-Z-Boy recliner , a huge TV and a hotline to Papa John 's pizzeria .

  21. 本周,一张照片被发表,喜剧演员凯西·格里芬(KathyGriffin)在其中举着血淋淋的类似特朗普总统被斩首的头颅的道具,而格里芬被美国有线电视新闻网炒了鱿鱼,并且被公开谴责。

    And this week , comedienne Kathy Griffin wore a pussy blouse and held a bloodied prop in the likeness of President Trump 's decapitated head in images from a photo shoot , for which Griffin was fired from her CNN job and publicly rebuked .

  22. 玻璃柜里放着各类道具,隐晦地指向某些具体的桥段:一张莱昂纳尔•里奇(LionelRichie)的唱片(《丑陋裸男死了?》一集)、一本《怀孕期间注意事项》(《谣言》一集)、莫妮卡公寓镜子的复制品。

    Glass cases display obscure references to specific episodes : a Lionel Richie record ( " The One With the Giant Poking Device " ) , a copy of " What to Expect When You 're Expecting " ( " The One With the Rumor " ) , a replica of the mirror from Monica 's apartment .

  23. 进入目录菜单更换你的武器或使用道具。

    Access the inventory menu to switch weapons or use items .

  24. 利用星星道具消灭5只跳跳鱼。

    Get the star and use it to HIT5 cheep cheeps .

  25. 起初,她用一些道具装扮她的女儿。

    At first , she surrounded her daughter with some props .

  26. 这个飞速在变的国家,就像一个魔术师,一切都是道具。

    It is like a magic in this fast changing country .

  27. 拍打切换键,就能争换道具。

    Beat the shift key , you can fight for props .

  28. 鼓励机器人和/操纵者使用服装道具。

    Costumes for robots and / or human performers are encouraged .

  29. 主武器、副武器切换,还有道具,不能双持武器。

    Primary and Secondary weapon plus items , no dual wield .

  30. 道具组用整整一个房间来放手袋。

    The wardrobe Department has an entire room just for handbags !