
  1. 顿顿吃面条,就不能换个(花)样儿?

    Noodles every meal ! can 't we vary our menu a bit ?

  2. 早饭我通常吃面条。

    I usually have noodles for breakfast .

  3. 她家很穷,经常只能吃面条作为食物。

    Her family was poor and cups of noodles were often the only food .

  4. 我用叉子吃面条。

    I eat noodle with the fork .

  5. 为了健康,吃面条,水果和蔬菜。

    To be healthy , eat noodles , fruit and vegetables .

  6. 今天中午吃面条,不吃米饭。

    We 'll have noodles instead of rice for lunch today .

  7. 吃面条的时候你不应该弄出响声来。

    You 're not supposed to make noise while eating noodles .

  8. 在东京,除夕夜,人们吃面条,说是能使人长寿。

    In Tokyo people eat noodles on New Year 's Eve .

  9. 这个月只能吃面条喝“两元抛”红酒了

    Ramen and two buck chuck for the rest of the month .

  10. 我早餐吃面条,李蕾也是吃面条。

    I have noodles for breakfast , Li Lei also has noodles .

  11. 我喜欢吃面条,面条,面条,面条!

    I like noodles , noodles , noodles , noodles !

  12. 然后就去珉浩那里吃面条。

    We used to go to min-ho 's place for noodles afterwards .

  13. 难道你想边吃面条边讲出来?

    What , you wanna spell it out with noodles ?

  14. 那是因为你总是带我去吃面条。

    That 's because you always take me to a noodle shop .

  15. 我不喜欢吃面条,我喜欢吃饺子。

    I don 't like noodles , I like dumplings .

  16. 但是请告诉我,在太空你如何吃面条呢?

    But tell me , how do you eat noodles in space ?

  17. 用筷子吃面条是相当方便的。

    It is considerately convenient to have noodles with chopsticks .

  18. 嗯,凯特你不吃面条

    Um , Kate , you don 't eat spaghetti .

  19. 我们吃面条,牛肉,真是一餐难得的宴飨!

    We have noodles , beef what a treat !

  20. 勺子对面条不管用,你用勺子没法吃面条。

    Your spoon won 't be useful for noodles .

  21. 她妈妈是东北人,喜欢吃面条和饺子。

    Her mother is from Dongbei , she likes eating noodles and dumplings .

  22. 日本人喜欢午饭吃面条。

    The Japanese like to have noodles as lunch .

  23. 今天晚上我们吃面条。

    We will have noodles for supper this evening .

  24. 就开着加热器吃面条。

    I am eating noodles with the heater on .

  25. 吃面条或大米和一些蔬菜。

    Eat noodles or rice AND some vegetables .

  26. 我吃面条、牛肉和西红柿。

    I have noodles , beef and tomatoes .

  27. 我不喜欢吃面条。我能喝点汤吗?

    I don 't like noodles . May I have some soup , please ?

  28. 我不喜欢你吃面条时的“嗤喽”声。

    I don 't like the way you slurp noisily when you eat noodles .

  29. 我宁愿吃面条也不吃米饭。

    I would rather have noodles than rice .

  30. 有时我们吃面条和饺子。

    Sometimes we have noodles or dumplings .