
  1. W:为什么不先来我家?我们可以在我家吃饺子,然后去听演唱会!M:棒极了!那到时候见。

    W : Why not come to my home first ? We can have dumplings at my home , and then go to the concert . M : Great ! See you then .

  2. 春节,人们通常吃饺子或汤圆。

    People usually eat dumplings or sweet dumplings on Spring Festival .

  3. 如果没有吃饺子,你将不能拥有一个完整的春节。

    You cannot have a complete Spring Festival without having Jiaozi .

  4. 而在家里人们并不是每天都吃饺子。

    At home , dumplingsaren 't intended for every day consumption .

  5. 这次我们要去吃饺子。

    We are going to have Chinese dumplings this time .

  6. 我们要吃饺子以及许多好吃的中国菜。

    And we will have dumpling and many tasty food .

  7. 圣诞节有圣诞晚宴,春节吃饺子。

    Christmas has Christmas dinner , eating the Chinese New Year dumplings .

  8. 昨天我们在一家拥挤的饺子馆吃饺子。

    We ate dumplings at a crowded dumpling house yesterday .

  9. 有人即将打破你吃饺子的纪录。

    Someone 's about to beat your dumpling eating record .

  10. 没人能打破你吃饺子的纪录。

    No one 's gonna beat your dumpling eating record .

  11. 过年时,一定要吃饺子。

    For Spring Festival , dumpling is a must .

  12. 他说,他不喜欢吃饺子。

    He said that he didn 't like dumplings .

  13. 如果您愿意,下次我请您吃饺子。

    I 'll invite you to eat dumpling next time if you like .

  14. 我乐意每天吃饺子。

    I 'd like to eat dumplings every day .

  15. 在春节我们通常吃饺子。

    We usually eat dumplings in the Spring Festival .

  16. 中国人喜欢吃饺子和粥。

    Chinese like to eat dumplings and congee .

  17. 在中国的新年里我们吃饺子。

    We eat dumplings at Chinese New Year .

  18. 龙战士吃饺子大赛?

    And the Dragon Warrior dumpling eating contest ?

  19. 除夕吃饺子是中国人的一种风俗习惯。

    It is a Chinese custom to eat Jiaozi on New Year 's Eve .

  20. 自己们凡是在春节时代吃饺子。

    We usually eat dumplings during Spring Festive .

  21. 吃饺子,也说祝福的话。

    Eat dumplings . Say New year greetings .

  22. 在中国,除夕晚上吃饺子的风俗很盛行。

    In China the custom prevails in eating dumplings on New Year 's Eve .

  23. 他们通常吃饺子和鱼。

    They often eat dumplings and fish .

  24. 每逢春节,中国家庭会齐聚一堂吃饺子。

    During the Spring Festival , Chinese families will get together and have dumpling parties .

  25. 我知道春节,那天人们会聚在一起吃饺子。

    Spring festical . I know that , people will get together , eat dumpling .

  26. 本日来吃饺子吧!

    Come and get your dumplings today !

  27. 他假装正在吃饺子。

    He pretended to be eating dumplings .

  28. 我们有时也吃饺子和包子。

    We eat jiaozi and baozi sometimes .

  29. 在中国北方,新年包饺子,吃饺子是一种传统。

    Making and eating dumplings in Chinese New Year is a tradition in North China .

  30. 在中国每个人都很喜欢吃饺子。

    Dumplings are real Chinese food .