
  1. 打起精神来,否则你会吃更多苦头。

    Buck up your ideas or you 'll get more of the same treatment .

  2. 根据美国农业部(USDA)向美国居民发布的饮食指南,吃更多水果、把水果当作健康饮食一部分的人更不容易得慢性疾病。

    According to the USDA Guidelines for Americans , people who eat more fruit as part of an overall healthy diet are more likely to reduce their risk of chronic diseases .

  3. 日本儿童的体形呈上升趋势,同时他们还吃更多的快餐。

    Japanese children are getting bigger and eating more fast food .

  4. 你要为了一个健康的身体吃更多的蔬菜。

    You need to eat more vegetables for a healthy body .

  5. 那个让他们摆脱负罪感以便吃更多的食物。

    That gets rid of guilt so they can eat more food .

  6. 他们能不能比我吃更多的冰激淋?

    Can they eat more ice cream than I can ?

  7. 你得吃更多的食物来保持你当前的体重。

    You 'll need to eat more to keep your current body-weight .

  8. 一些读者打算吃更多的蔬菜。

    Some readers are going to eat more vegetables .

  9. 我发现我需要吃更多。

    I find I need to eat more often .

  10. 如果你尝过一只了,你会想要吃更多的。

    And if you taste one , you will want to have more .

  11. 他们在家吃更多的加工食品而且更经常在外面吃。

    They eat more processed food at home and eat out more often .

  12. 如今,大多数人都知道他们应该吃更多的蔬菜。

    By now , most people know they should be eating more vegetables .

  13. 人们在有压力的时候通常要吃更多的甜食。

    People tend to eat more sweets when stressed .

  14. 一般来说,女人会吃更多的水果和蔬菜。

    In general , women are greater consumers of fruits and vegetables than men .

  15. 吃更多的水果和蔬菜不一定就意味着卡洛里摄入量的提高。

    Eating more fruits and vegetables doesn 't have to mean increased calories intake .

  16. 让人民吃更多苦?

    And bring more suffering to this town ?

  17. 即便如此,怎么会有人反对吃更多的水果和蔬菜呢?

    Even so , how could anyone argue against eating more fruit and vegetables ?

  18. 下次来曼谷艾美酒店我们肯定会吃更多。

    Be sure that next time in BKK , we 'll eat more there !

  19. 吃更多的蔬菜是有好处的。

    It 's good to eat more vegetables .

  20. 另外,如果我是你,我会吃更多的蔬菜和水果。

    Also , if I were you , I would eat more vegetables and fruit .

  21. 他是故意那样说的,这样他就可以吃更多的果酱了。

    He just says that , so there 'll be more jelly left for him .

  22. 该吃更多的药了,宝贝。

    Time for more pills , baby .

  23. 你应该改变你的食谱,吃更多沙拉,水果和蔬菜。

    You should change your diet , and eat more salads , fruit , and vegetables .

  24. 为了吃更多的香蕉将不能减肥,但最胖了。

    To eat more bananas will not be able to lose weight but most fatten up .

  25. 户外烧烤准备什么吃更多的食物和调味品,是不容易增肥啊?

    Outdoor barbecue ready to eat food and spices which are less likely to fatten up ah ?

  26. 大脑得到一个鼓励信号,吃更多甜食的想法被强化。

    The brain in a sense gets a reward , and the desire for more sweets is intensified .

  27. 鉴于午餐时你会比预想的吃更多,建议早餐少吃点。

    A light breakfast is advised , since you 'll consume a lot more than you thought for lunch .

  28. 这将会导致自我控制力的下降,并且将会吃更多的不健康的高卡路里的食物。

    This leads to a loss of self control and a subsequent craving for more unhealthy , high-calorie foods .

  29. 如果你经常熬夜的话,这样做会在半夜感觉到很饿,反倒会吃更多,请不要尝试。

    If you stay up late , you will feel hungry at midnight and then eat more . Never do that .

  30. 因此你可以吃更多,同时也不增加脂肪,因为你所增加的肌肉能消耗掉额外的卡路里。

    As a result , you can eat more food without gaining fat because your extra muscle will burn off extra calories .