
chī bái fàn
  • eat nothing but plain cooked rice;eat without paying;live off others
吃白饭 [chī bái fàn]
  • [eat without paying] 白吃别人的饭;光吃饭不工作;吃东西不付钱,也指不务正业专靠讹诈为生

  • 自己现在在家吃白饭,又不好跟妈妈要钱

  1. 我一辈子都没碰到过像他们这样吃白饭的工人!

    I never met such an idle bunch of workers in all my life !

  2. 他不干活,专吃白饭。

    He doesn 't work and just lives off others .

  3. 我们小日本军队不会养吃白饭的懒人。

    The Japanese army cannot have idle mouths to feed .

  4. 倒去剩下的油,下李锦记黑椒汁及水煮至热透,淋于鸡扒上,吃时伴以白饭及沙律。

    Pour away excess oil . Heat through Lee Kum Kee Black Pepper Sauce , water and pour over chicken steaks . Serve with cooked rice and salad .