
lónɡ ɡǔ
  • hull grain
  1. 液压砻谷机辊压调节机构的PC控制

    PC control used in rubber roll adjusting mechanism of hydraulic sheller

  2. 胶辊砻谷摩擦机理的分析与计算

    Analysis and Calculation of the Friction Mechanism of a Rubber Roll Husker

  3. 胶辊砻谷机内稻谷速度方程的讨论

    A Discussion of Velocity Equation for Paddy in Rubber Huller

  4. 胶辊砻谷机噪声控制的研究

    Research of Noise Control for the Rubber Roll Husker

  5. 浇注型聚氨酯砻谷胶辊的研制

    Research on the Grain Roller of Polyurethane-pouring Type

  6. 砻谷机的同步带传动

    Synchronous - tooth-belt Driving of Paddy Huskers

  7. 胶辊砻谷机内常用压力公式的讨论

    A Discussion on a Commonly-Used Formula of the Pressure inside a Rubber Roll Rice Huller

  8. 胶辊砻谷机在单一电机驱动时功率反馈的计算

    On the Feedback of Power in Rubber & huller Drived by Only one Electric Motor

  9. 组合式砻谷碾米机的工艺过程及结构分析兼谈蒸谷米的生产蒸谷米生产工艺简析

    Operational Process and Structure of an Integrated Rice Husker-Whitener Analysis of producing techniques of parboiled rice

  10. 对如何合理地组合清理、砻谷、碾米三个工段的工艺流程进行了介绍。

    And presents how to reasonably integrate the three steps of cleaning , husking and whitening .

  11. 胶辊砻谷机提高线速和的研究历程;

    And it elaborates the core mechanism , developing procedure and testing results of high speed roller mill ;

  12. 对碾米厂工序的设置以及清理、砻谷、碾米等主机设备的选择进行了说明;

    The arrangment of rice milling steps and the selection of the main equipment for cleaning , hulling and whitening were explained .

  13. 大米是稻谷经清理、砻谷、碾米、成品整理等工序后制成的成品。

    Rice is rice hulling by cleaning , and milling , finished product is made after finishing process such as the finished products .

  14. 糙米是稻谷经过砻谷去稻壳后而得到的一种全谷粒大米。

    Brown rice is a kind of rice with the whole grain , and can be got from rice after it is husked .

  15. 稻谷经过清理、砻谷脱壳,得到糙米;糙米再碾去米糠,得到最终产品精白米。

    The final product polished rice was obtained by grinding rice bran from brown rice which was gotten through cleaning-up , grinding grain shell .

  16. 本机具有脱壳率高,碎米率低,电耗省,噪音小等特点,为糙米进城提供了理想的砻谷设备。

    The machine is characterized with high hulling rate , low rice broken rate , energy saving and low noise , and ideal for providing unpolished rice to the urban dwellers .

  17. 降低杂交稻谷加工破碎率途径的研究(I)&砻谷条件对不同品种稻米破碎率的影响

    Research on Approaches of Reducing the Broken Ratio of the Hybrid Rice During Processing ( I ) & The Influences of Husking and Milling Conditions on the Broken Ratio of Hybrid Rice

  18. 对苏联稻谷的工艺品质、稻谷清理工艺、砻谷及砻厂物分离工艺、碾米工艺、白米分级工艺、输送方式和设备等进行了阐述。

    This paper makes a description of the technological qualities of rice , the technologies of its cleaning , husking , husk-separating , milling and grading , and its handling mode and equipment in USSR .

  19. 针对影响大米出品率及成品质量的设备、工艺、操作方面的问题,重点探讨了在清理、砻谷、碾白工序上的对策。

    In the light of problems which affect white rice yield and finished product quality in respect of equipment , technology and operation , the ways to improve white rice yield and finished product quality were emphatically researched .

  20. 利用砻下分流器提高谷糙分离工艺效果

    Improving the Effects of Paddy Separator with a Distributor under Huller