
  • 网络Sun Simiao;miǎo
  1. 孙思邈中医心身医学思想探微

    Exploration on the Thinking of Sun Simiao 's Psychosomatic Medicine of TCM

  2. 孙思邈与龙宫方&《千金方》中的佛教医学

    Sun Simiao and Dragon Palace Formulas Buddhist Medicine in Thousand Golden Prescriptions

  3. 试论孙思邈中医心理学理论的基本特点

    On Fundamental Features of TCM Psychological Theory of Sun Simiao

  4. 弘扬孙思邈医德思想重振医学人文精神

    Advocating thoughts of SUN Si-miao 's medical morality and improving medical humanistic spirit

  5. 试论儒佛道思想对孙思邈医学伦理思想的影响

    Confucian , Buddhist and Taoist Influences on sun simiao 's Medical Ethics Thought

  6. 应当重新确认孙思邈的出生年份

    Reconfirmation of SUN Si-miao 's Date of Birth

  7. 孙思邈治疗肝实热证探析

    Analysis of Sun Simiao 's Treatment for Excess Heat - Syndrome of the Liver

  8. 论孙思邈健康伦理思想

    Discussion on Sun Simiao 's Healthy Ethics Thought

  9. 孙思邈的医德思想

    SUN Si-miao 's Thought of Medical Ethics

  10. 孙思邈医学伦理思想中儒、道、释的交融

    The Blend of Confucianism , Taoism and Buddhism in Sun Simiao 's Medical Ethics Thought

  11. 孙思邈对急症的认识和处治深刺头针区上及敏感处治脑血栓偏瘫探讨

    Investigation of cerebral thrombosis hemiplegia treated with head acupuncture of upper area and sensitive pionts

  12. 试论孙思邈对桂枝汤方系的临床研究成就

    On Sun Simiao 's Clinical Achievements in Researching the Prescription System of Ramulus Cinnamomi Decoctions

  13. 孙思邈我知道。

    Oh , I know Sun Simiao .

  14. 孙思邈出生在一个普通的农民家庭里,家境十分贫寒。

    Sun Simiao was born in an ordinary peasant family , the family was very poor .

  15. 从隋唐到明清时期孙思邈思想的发掘研究

    An Exploratory Study of Sun Simiao ′ s Ideology from the Sui and tang to Qing Dynasties

  16. 到70岁时,孙思邈已经行医50年,用10年时间终于写成了此书。

    To70 years old , has been practicing medicine-Miao of50 years , 10 years to finally write the book .

  17. 孙思邈《千金翼方》中有关内容充分反映了老年摄生思想。

    The related contents in Sun Simiao s Supplement to Valuable Prescriptions reflect the theory of health preserving of the old .

  18. 重新认定孙思邈的出生之年,不仅是单纯的学术研究,它还具有很强的社会现实意义。

    Reconfirmation of Sun Simiao 's date of birth is not simply an academic study but is also of great practical significance .

  19. 以此为切入点,考证出孙氏生年当为541年,提出孙思邈享年141岁的新说。

    With the textual research , the new statement that Sun Simiao was born in541 and died at the age141 was put forward .

  20. 唐·孙思邈《备急千金要方》的定志丸在防治记忆障碍作用上较《太平惠民和剂局方》记载的定志丸为佳。

    The Ding Zhi Pills described in " Thousand-Golden-Prescriptions " have better memory improving effect than those described in " Prescriptions People 's Welfare Pharmacy " .

  21. 养性摄生和情志病脉辨治是孙思邈独特的学术部分,加以深入探讨对养生及情志疾病的辨治有重要意义。

    Health preserving and differentiating the diseases due to emotional changes according to the symptoms and pulse were the unique academic characteristic of Sun Simiao and had an important significance .

  22. 孙思邈将所有精力都用于研究医学,治病救人,并且在行医过程中,逐步丰富医学和药物学的知识,很快就成了一位名医。

    Sun Simiao all energy used to study medicine , heal the sick , and in practice , a rich knowledge of medicine and Pharmacology , has quickly become a famous .

  23. 倡导弘扬孙思邈医德思想,反思医学的功能和本质,重振医学人文精神,当前仍然是医学高校和广大医务工作者十分迫切的任务,也是全社会的责任。

    Whereupon , it 's the medical personnel and whole society 's duty to advocate Sumsimiao 's thoughts , ponder the function and quality of medicine , and restore the medical humane spirit .

  24. 他从小体弱多病,为了治疗疾病,几乎耗尽了全部家产,所以孙思邈从小就感受到了疾病的痛苦和对生活、生命的危害,下定决心学医救人。

    He was brought up in poor health , in order to treat illness , almost exhausted , so-miao had felt the illness and life , life in danger , made up his mind to study medicine to save lives .

  25. 惊悸病因,一为风邪致病,一为虚劳所致。孙思邈《千金方》延续巢氏病源学术观点,认为惊悸病病因病机为风邪所伤,气血不足,其病位主要在心。

    Sun Ssu " Qian Jin Fang " continuation of the academic point of view of the nested source of the disease , fright disease etiology and pathogenesis for Feng Xie injured by lack of blood , the disease mainly in mind .

  26. 《备急千金要方》,又称《千金方》或《千金要方》,成书于652年,作者为唐代著名医学家孙思邈。

    Beiji Qianjin Yaofang ( Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Pieces of Gold for Emergencies ) , also called Qianjin Fang or Qianjin Yaofang , was writ - ten by the well-known medical scientist in the Tang Dynasty Sun Simiao in the year 652 .

  27. 屠苏酒是古人在除夕喝的一种药酒,含7种多的传统草药,由唐朝(618-907)名医孙思邈推广开来。

    Tu Su wine is a kind of medicinal liquor that ancient Chinese consumed on Chinese New Year 's Eve . It contains more than seven kinds of traditional Chinese medicine herbs . Sun Simiao , a celebrated doctor in the Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 ) , promoted Tu Su wine in China .

  28. 中国古代最著名的医学家张仲景、华佗、孙思邈、李时珍等均深受《内经》思想的熏陶和影响,无不刻苦研读之,深得其精要,而终成我国历史上的一代名医。

    The most renowned medical specialists in ancient China such as Zhang Zhongjing , Huatuo , Sun Simiao and Li Shizhen were all deeply edified and influenced by the thoughts in Huangdi Neijing . They studied it assiduously and gained insight into its essence , thus be coming the well-known doctors in the Chinese history .