
  1. 随后,孙峰到医院“看病”配药。

    Subsequently , Sun Feng to the hospital ," doctor ," dispensing .

  2. 情绪低落的孙峰,勉强支撑到早晨下班。

    Depression of the Sun Feng , barely support to the morning work .

  3. 当孙峰再次回到商店时,已经是次日凌晨1点20分。

    When Feng Sun to return to the store , is already the next day1:20 .

  4. 见搭班情绪好了许多,孙峰谎称外出有事要处理。

    See class feeling much better ride , Sun Feng lied out something to deal with .

  5. 乘搭班营业员吃饭时,孙峰再次溜进仓库,采用前次方式从保险箱内偷出最后一叠钱款。

    Traveling salesperson class meal , Feng Sun once again slipped into the warehouse , using the previous methods to steal from the safe deposit box in the last stack of money .

  6. 孙峰随后向搭班的营业员说自己要出去吃晚饭,即扬招出租车到延长西路某游戏房玩赌博电玩。

    Sun Feng then take classes to a salesperson said that he would go out to dinner , a taxi to the Yang extended West to play a gambling game room video games .

  7. 下班后,自知无法蒙混过关的孙峰,脑子乱哄哄地走进昌化路康定路口一家网吧,查找吃药物自杀的方法。

    After work , knowing can not muddle through the Sun Feng , the brain disorder in Changhua into an Internet cafe intersection of Kangding road , look for ways to eat drugs suicide .

  8. 离开了游戏房,孙峰又“打的”回到了商店,再次溜进仓库,从保险箱内偷出最后一捆钱款。

    To leave the game room , Feng Sun and " play " back to the store , once again slipped into the warehouse , a safe deposit box to steal from the last bundle of money .

  9. 他们培训了我们四天,介绍美国的文化、风俗和差异——比如不要在大楼里吸烟——让我们尽自己所能,多吸取经验,并把经验带回中国,带给我们的球员,孙峰棱说。

    They trained us for four days on American culture , manners , different things - like don 't smoke in the building - and told us to learn as much as we can and bring it back to China , to our players , Sun said .