
  1. 就城市建设,孙金龙与媒体进行了深入交流。

    Sun exchanged ideas extensively with the media on urban construction .

  2. 孙金龙一行首先来到这里。

    Sun visited the site of the project first .

  3. 接着,孙金龙一行来到位于滨湖新区的塘西河公园和金斗公园。

    Sun came to Tangxi He Park and Jindou Park located in New Lakefront District later on .

  4. 孙金龙强调,合肥要朝着建设区域性特大城市的目标迈进。

    In the same time , Sun Jinlong stressed that Hefei is striding forward towards a regional mega-city .

  5. 孙金龙与建设者们亲切握手,感谢他们为合肥建设与发展所付出的辛勤劳动。

    He shook hands with workers and thanked them for their hard work for the construction and development of Hefei .

  6. 实地了解绿化的进展随后,孙金龙又赶往庐州大道,察看道路沿线的绿化情况。

    After learning about the progress of the project , Sun went to Luzhou Avenue , inspecting the greenery along the avenue .

  7. 孙金龙对加藤彦伟一行来肥表示欢迎,并简要介绍了我市经济社会发展情况。

    Sun extended a welcome to Hato Hikotaka and his group and made a brief introduction to Hefei 's economic and social development .

  8. 孙金龙指出,合肥是安徽省会,综合承载力与辐射带动力不断增强。

    He said , as the capital city of Anhui Province , Hefei 's comprehensive carrying capacity and driving force for the adjacent areas have been strengthening continuously .

  9. 调研中,孙金龙指出,要把做好园林绿化工作当成一门学问来研究,善于学习外地的先进经验。

    On his inspection tour , Sun Jinlong said that we must take the landscaping as a subject of science , and we need to learn the good practices from other cities .