
  1. 汉字的发展及其规范化浅说

    On the Development of Chinese Characters and Standardization

  2. 研究汉字的发展、构造并从中汲取营养对进行图形化汉字设计有重要的指导意义。

    It has great guiding significance to study the development and formation of Chinese character and to learn from it .

  3. 作为字体设计的本源,汉字的发展、流变也就成为印刷字体设计最为重要的基础。

    As the base for type design , the development of Chinese character becomes the most important basis of type design .

  4. 对这些异文进行研究可以让我们认识汉字的发展和汉语词汇的运用。

    We can know the development of the history of Chinese characters and the use of Chinese words form studying these characters .

  5. 汉字的发展经历了数千年,作为一种文化的载体,具有其独特的视觉审美艺术。

    Character development has experienced thousands of years , as a carrier of culture , which has a unique visual aesthetic art .

  6. 运用上,以文化传承与文化引申为主。在指导学习上,应把握三个原则:以文化为主线,理清汉字的发展脉络;

    Under the learning guide , three principles should be stuck to : sorting out the evolution of Chinese characters centered upon culture ;

  7. 汉字的发展,可追溯到原始部落时候的图画记事,发展至今,已然形成了程度化、模式化的书法美学体现。

    The development of Chinese characters can be traced back to the tribes when drawing Notepad , the development has already formed the extent and mode of calligraphy aesthetics reflect .

  8. 对于存在问题的简化字我们是保留还是采取别的政策,需要考虑到汉字的发展规律和社会的约定俗成等多方面的因素,这有待于我们进一步研究。

    Simplified the problem for our existence is a reservation or to take other policies need to take into account the development of Chinese law and social convention , and many other factors , these need our further study .

  9. 汉字的发展经历了由形象的文字图画逐渐发展成为抽象符号的过程,而创造汉字的人类的思维也正是从形象具体向抽象逻辑发展。

    The development of Chinese characters experienced a gradually developed as abstract symbol of the process by the image of the text drawing , and the human thinking of Chinese character creation is developed from the image concrete to abstract logical .

  10. 汉字的发展经历了古文字、今文字两大发展阶段,本篇论文讲的古、今两大发展具有特定的含义,不能简单的将古文字理解为古代的汉字。

    Experienced the development of ancient Chinese text , this text the two stages of development , this paper speaks of " the old , this " two major development with a particular meaning , can not simply be understood as the ancient words of ancient Chinese characters .

  11. 汉字的意义发展与读音分化

    The Dissension of the Development and the Pronunciation of Chinese Character Significance

  12. 近年来,汉字教学的发展日臻成熟,逐渐向着独立课程发展。

    Recently , the teaching of Chinese characters has become more developed .

  13. 汉字的现代化发展,作为一种设计元素的存在,渗透在艺术设计的各个领域。

    The modernization of Chinese characters , as the existence of a design element , penetrated into all areas of art and design .

  14. 首先,阐述了汉字文化的发展渊源及其演变过程,揭示其所承载的文化内涵与审美特征。

    First of all , described the development of Chinese cultural origins and its evolution , reveal its cultural connotation and aesthetic bearing characteristics .

  15. 汉字的自然发展规律与人为规范&兼谈《规范汉字表》研制的科学理念坚持法制、监管、自律、规范的方针,证券业在逐步规范中发展。

    The Intrinsic Evolutionary Law and the Artificial Standardization of Chinese Characters ; Upholding the principles of law , regulation , self-discipline and standards , the securities industry has developed through progressive standardization .

  16. 随着对外汉字的教学发展,前人关于汉字的分析和教学研究已经取得了一定的发展,但是相对于语音、词汇和语法的研究,在汉语错别字方面的研究就少得多。

    With the development of TCFL , the predecessor has achieved a certain development in Chinese analysis and research . Compare to the pronunciation , vocabulary and grammar , the research of wrongly written or mispronounced characters is much less .

  17. 第三章著重在讨论杨树达对汉字的起源、发展与价值的看法。

    Chapter Three will stress on Yang 's opinions about the Han characters .

  18. 从汉字构形的发展看汉字的性质

    The Nature of Chinese Characters Viewed From the Development of Formation of Chinese Characters

  19. 论汉字的优势和发展趋势

    Superiority of Chinese Characters and Their Development Trend

  20. 这将有助于指导教师的教学实践,促进儿童汉字认知能力的发展。

    It is helpful for teaching practice in promoting the Chinese characters cognition of children .

  21. 其所以转化,同汉字形体结构的发展变化有关。

    The derivation has a bearing on the development of the form and structure of Chinese characters .

  22. 图形汉字的变化、发展是人们对图形文字不断进行设计和创新的结果。

    The transformation and development of graphical character are the results of people 's continuous designation and creation .

  23. 汉字的产生、发展过程,从一个侧面反映了中华民族的文化观。

    The creation and development of Chinese Characters have reflected from one side the cultural view of the Chinese nation .

  24. 从目前联机汉字识别技术的发展来看,大多数的识别系统主要是针对单个汉字字符进行识别的,首先需要对连续输入的字符进行分割,分割为单字符数据,然后由单字符识别引擎进行识别。

    For the current research of the Chinese character recognition system , most of them are based on single character recognition .

  25. 小学儿童分析、概括和辨认汉字字形能力的发展研究Ⅰ.在速示条件下辨认字形能力的发展

    Developmental studies on the recognition and generalization of Chinese characters in primary school children ⅰ . development of recognition under tachistoscopic condition

  26. 统计分析表明,模拟文本中潜在的知识结构对模型汉字识别能力的发展以及汉字构形知识的获得具有潜在的影响。

    The analysis indicates that the implicit knowledge has a potential influence on the recognition ability and the acquisition of Chinese orthography of CRCC model .

  27. 最后将各种方法融入到实际的设计操作中,希望能够有助于汉字字体设计的发展与进步,并为后来者提供一定的经验与依据。

    Final will be a variety of methods into the design of practical operation , the hope can help to development and progress of Chinese character font design , and provide experience and basis for others to follow .

  28. 汉字部件及其位置的发展研究

    Study on the development of the radical and its position in Chinese

  29. 汉字语音随着时代的发展而改变。

    The phonology of Chinese character alters with the development of the time .

  30. 汉字在5000年的发展过程中,现已成为最完善的“视觉平面信息记录体系”。

    Chinese character has been the most consummate record system of visual graphic information in its five thousand years of its developmental progress .