
  • 网络Chinese parts of speech;Word families in chinese
  1. 基于隐Markov模型的汉语词类自动标注的实验研究

    Experimental study of hidden Markov model based part-of-speech tagging for Chinese texts

  2. 基于k-近似的汉语词类自动判定

    Part-of-Speech Identification for Unknown Chinese Words Based on k-Nearest Neighbors Strategy

  3. 汉语词类歧义解决(Ⅱ)

    The Resolution of Syntactic Category Ambiguity in Chinese ( II )

  4. 现代汉语词类活用体词谓词化的认知解释

    Cognitive Explanation of Substantive Shift to Predicate in Modern Chinese Word-class

  5. 应用两种神经网络模型自动标注汉语词类

    Automatic Grammatical Category Disambiguation Using Two Kinds of Neural Network Models

  6. 汉语词类歧义解决初探

    Syntactic category ambiguity resolution in Chinese : an initial study

  7. 基于隶属度的汉语词类的模糊划分

    Fuzzy Classification of Mandarin Words Based on Degree of Membership

  8. 试论改革开放以来现代汉语词类活用现象

    Word-Class Shift in Modern Chinese Since Reform and Opening up

  9. 汉语词类问题反思

    Reflections on the Issues of Word-class in the Chinese Language

  10. 同形词族和汉语词类划分

    Word Family Made Up of Homographs and the Classification of Chinese Words

  11. 基于分布信息的汉语词类获得研究

    The Acquisition of Syntactic Categories in Chinese on the Basis of Distributional Information

  12. 关于古代汉语词类活用的思考

    Some Investigations into the Word Conversion of Ancient Chinese

  13. 规则和统计相结合的汉语词类标注方法

    Chinese Corpus Tagging Using Rule Techniques and Statistics Techniques

  14. 汉语词类划分的分歧与和解&来自生成语言学的启示

    Disputes and Reconciliation for Classifying Chinese Words : Lights from the Generative Grammar

  15. 但是,针对这些西方汉学文献中汉语词类问题的研究还是凤毛麟角。

    However , research on Chinese word class in Western Sinology is still inadequate .

  16. 朝鲜王朝初期对汉语词类的认识

    The Recognization of Chinese Parts of Speech in the Earlier Period of Korean Dynasty

  17. 汉语词类划分的标准

    Standards for Dividing Parts of Speech in Chinese

  18. 汉语词类划分情况&浅谈名词的划分

    The Classification Criterion of the Chinese Word-class System : Commentary on the Classification of Nouns

  19. 基于数据库的现代汉语词类优势语法功能统计研究

    The Study on the advantageous grammatical functions of Chinese parts of speech On Language Data Base

  20. 词汇词与语法词&无变汉字遮蔽下汉语词类划分问题症结之所在浅谈《马氏文通》与现代汉语词类划分标准之比照

    On comparison between Ma Shi Wen Tong and dividing criterion of word class in modern Chinese language

  21. 即词类及其相关类别。英语词类和汉语词类的差异为英汉翻译带来了不少困难。

    Differences in the properties of lexical categories between English and Chinese make English-Chinese translation a challenging operation .

  22. 通过对现代汉语词类活用的分析发现,汉语词类活用中存在体词谓词化的倾向。

    There is a tendency that the substantive can be shifted to the predicate in modern Chinese word-class .

  23. 汉语词类自动标注技术在中文信息处理现实应用中占据着十分重要的位置。

    The technique of part of speech tagging plays an important role in many applications of Chinese information processing .

  24. 采用眼动记录阅读范式,考察汉语词类歧义解决过程。

    Utilizing the eye tracking technique , the present study further investigated the Chinese syntactic category ambiguity resolution process .

  25. 能愿动词,又称助动词,是现代汉语词类系统中一个非常重要的类别。

    Can be verb , also called auxiliary verbs , is a very important category in the modern Chinese system .

  26. 形容词可以做主语吗&从一个英汉对比分析的案例看汉语词类范畴

    Possibility of Adjectives Served as Subjects : Viewing Category of Chinese Words from a Contrastive Study in English and Chinese

  27. 形容词是现代汉语词类的重要组成部分,表示人、事物的属性或状态。

    Adjectives is an important part of Modern Chinese , it represents the attribute or the state of people or things .

  28. 采用视觉呈现干扰词的图片&词干扰实验范式,探讨产生不同语法结构时言语产生汉语词类信息的加工进程。

    Using the picture-word interference paradigm , the study probed into the activation of word class information in Chinese speech production .

  29. 可以说,状态形容词的这种形态和功能之间的较为对应的特点在汉语词类当中是相当独特的。

    It can be said that the corresponding characteristic of the form and function of the state adjective is quite unique .

  30. 并进而推论,在现代汉语词类体系中,方位词应该独立成类。

    It concludes , therefrom , that nouns of locality should be categorized as independent in the word-class system of modern Chinese .