
  1. 你会说印地语吗?是的,会一点。

    Do you follow hindi ? Yes , a bit .

  2. 我会说印地语,而且我喜欢&我希望把一门语言学得再熟练些。

    I speak Hindi and like & I hope to learn a language a bit more proficiently .

  3. 我会说印地语,而且我喜欢——我希望把一门语言学得再熟练些。

    I speak Hindi and like --- I hope to learn a language a bit more proficiently .

  4. 斯里兰卡人所说的印地语。

    The Indic language spoken by the people of Sri Lanka .

  5. 生活在西部印度的古扎拉地人所说的印地语。

    The Indic language spoken by the people of India who live in Gujarat in western India .

  6. 印度西北的大部分旁遮普人所说的印地语。梵语和北印度语所用的一种音节体。

    The Indic language spoken by most people in Punjab in NW India . a syllabic script used in writing Sanskrit and Hindi .