
  1. 但是如果我说非P为真呢?

    But if I then say Not P and say is this true ?

  2. 学生:,教授:我说非P,不是说非S,不是吗?

    Student : inaudible Prof. : I am saying not P but I am not saying not S am I ?

  3. 不是说非这不可但是Jerry如果你想刺激毛囊生长

    Not that you need this , but Jerry , if you wanted to stimulate your hair follicles ,

  4. BPA随后解释道,并不是说非要进行水力发电不可。因为只有额定的水量能流经涡轮机组,注入水坝中。

    Not making electricity is not an option on the river , the BPA argues , because only a limited amount of water can be kept out of turbines and spilled over federal dams .

  5. 就是说非故意的杀人。

    It 's just murder without the element of intent .

  6. 康拉德订的条款只是结婚没说非要一段成功的婚姻

    Conrad only stipulated marriage , not a successful one .

  7. 我的嘴决不说非义之言,我的舌也不说诡诈之语。

    My lips shall not speak wickedness , nor my tongue utter deceit .

  8. 我们也接待说非本地语言的客户。

    We accommodate customers who are speaking other languages .

  9. 没人说非要你喜欢。

    Nobody said you had to like it .

  10. 城镇的商业区或者说非住宅区;社区学院是典型的非住宿学院。

    The commercial or nonresidential areas of a town ; community colleges are typically nonresidential .

  11. 我是在说非正义。

    I was talking about the injustice .

  12. 但我可以说非会员想玩的乐趣意愿很低,那不是你所说的游戏有这么好玩吗。

    And isn 't that all about if you play a game " having FUN " .

  13. 她说非夏威夷本土的动植物引入是促使物种灭绝的主要原因。

    She said a major cause of the extinctions are plants and animals not native to Hawaii .

  14. 所以你可以说非极性分子,有两种构成方式。

    We can say that a nonpolar molecule you can have as a result of two different conditions .

  15. 并不是说非赶牲口不可,而是一直到地头也没法勒住。

    No need of driving them . Why , we couldn 't hold them in when we got there .

  16. 下面说非英文母语的作者请英语为母语的人修改一下稿件,是不是要请公司修改呀?两个审稿人的意见中都没有提到语言的问题。

    Authors whose native language is not English are requested to consider having their manuscript reviewed and edited by an English-speaking colleague .

  17. 哦,他/够/通用语。他只是不肯。他觉得用说非他的渡鸦母语是贬低身份。

    Oh , he CAN speak Common . He just won 't. He feels it is demeaning to speak in anything but his native raven tongue .

  18. 这种思路的前提是,塔利班内部存在某些好的(或者说非暴力的)因素,也存在某些坏的(暴力的)因素。

    It is based once again on the premise that there are some good ( read non-violent ) elements in the Taliban and some bad ( violent ) ones .

  19. 原因在于,内存是“真实的”(或者说非虚拟的)实体,关于内存消耗的统计数据由内核维护,总是最新的。

    The reason for this is that memory is a " real "( or let 's say non-virtual ) entity , the statistics about memory consumed is maintained by the kernel and is always current .

  20. 体验是人内心的感觉,具有不可见的特性,而文化多具有不可触摸性或者说非物质性,两种特性的叠加增加了研究的挑战性。

    The experience is the person innermost feelings feeling , has not the obvious characteristic , but the culture has may not the touching thing or non-materiality , two kinds of characteristic superimposition increased the research challenging .

  21. 工作投入的两个维度在风险感受与离职意愿之间起到中介作用,也就是说非现役文职护士的风险感受会通过影响工作投入而影响离职意愿。

    The two dimensions of job involvement play an intermediary function in risk feelings and intention to quit-evidence . It means that the risk feeling of the un-active duty nurse may influence the intention to quit-evidence through affecting the job involvement .

  22. 伯27:4我的嘴决不说非义之言、我的舌也不说诡诈之语。论执事的也是如此,必须端庄,不一口两舌,不好喝酒,不贪不义之财。

    My lips certainly will not speak unjustly , Nor will my tongue mutter deceit . Deacons , likewise , are to be men worthy of respect , sincere , not indulging in much wine , and not pursuing dishonest gain .

  23. 从某种角度上说非自愿移民的增加不仅是社会经济发展的必然,也是时代进步的需要,伴随着非自愿农民的增加,其可持续生计问题也逐渐成为一个新的社会问题。

    From a certain point the increase of involuntary immigrants not only is the social economy development inevitable , is also the needs of the era of progress , with involuntary farmers increase , the sustainable livelihood problems also gradually become a new social problem .

  24. 成功的非物质设计,在掌握传统的展示设计的成功要素的同时,必须建立在综合运用好以上各种技术要领的基础上,也就是说非物质展示设计成功的关键在于非物质表现的成功。

    As the same time of mastering the main factors , success of immaterial design must be established to the base of synthesize uses above every kind of technique , it means the key of success of immaterial display design is about success of immaterial expression .

  25. 他说在非军事区两边仍然有数以千计的韩国和朝鲜军人用枪互相瞄准对方。

    He said thousands of Koreans still levelled guns at one another along the demilitarised zone between them .

  26. YangLi:我们汉语里还真有一个相似的表达,不过我们说冰冻三尺非一日之寒。

    Neil : Do you have a Chinese expression like this Yang Li ?

  27. 对于一般两点线性(代数)边界条件下的Dirac特征值问题,相应的算子一般说是非自伴的。

    About Dirac eigenvalue problem with general two points ' liner algebra , corresponding operator of which often is non-self-adjoint operator .

  28. 研究生导师LarsSoderlund说,非英语母语者通常会在英语语法上遇到麻烦。

    Graduate tutor Lars Soderlund says non-native English speakers generally English grammar . He says their sentences may be too long .

  29. 你并不总是需要找一些关于ESC研究具有巨大潜力或十分邪恶的笼统评论&不要试图把这个问题说成非黑即白。

    You do not always need to get general comments about either the massive potential or great evil of ESC research & try not to present the issue as black and white .

  30. 萨拉-马约尔加(SarahMayorga)等社会学家表明,即使是善意的白人搬到多元化的社区,他们也不一定有积极的互动,更不用说与非白人邻居的互动。

    Sociologists like Sarah Mayorga show that even when well-meaning white folks move to diverse neighborhoods , they don 't necessarily have positive interactions , no less any with their neighbors who aren 't white .