
  1. “同意”是许慎《说文解字》的说解用语之一,它既沟通了造字意图相同的汉字,也解释了有相同参构意图的部件。

    " Same Original Intention " is one of the explaining terms in Shuo Wen Jie Zi by Xushen Han Dynasty .

  2. 通过四点“(?)”的来源和演变的说解,总结出两条字形演变的规律,并以之讨论了四点“(?)”的一些现代字形规范问题。

    Based on analysis of the component "(?)", the papers sums up two rules of Chinese characters and discusses some standards concerning the use of "(?)" .

  3. 本文从《说文》体例入手集纳出其说解汉字的一些基本方式,以供初涉文字学者借鉴。

    This article summarizes some basic ways for explaining the Chinese character for beginners reference only from the starting with the style of " the first Chinese Dictionary " .

  4. 在全面统计的基础上,根据《毛诗诂训传》注释古字的语言材料,深入分析古字的涵义,论述毛氏注释古字的说解形态、学术成就及其历史局限。

    Based on an overall statistic and language material for explaining archaic characters in Mao Shi Gu Xun Zhuan , this paper thoroughly analyses the meaning of archaic characters and discusses Mr.

  5. 然后对每类地理用字从训诂学角度进行分析,且亦评述许慎的字义说解,并且在《说文》有关汉字的形体、意义说解的基础上阐释相关的地理知识。

    Then the paper analyzes each kind of geography words from the angle of the exegetics , and analyzes the words that Xu Shen interpreted . On the basis of explanation of the form of Chinese characters , the paper explains the relevant geography knowledge .

  6. 他们会说,解是什么?

    They are going to say , well , what is the solution ?

  7. 这厨房自己做的替换,倒不如说我们解集的酒馆儿。

    The Is Kitchens Diy Replace , Or Rather Our Solution Set A Tavern .

  8. 祁黄羊毫不迟疑地回答说:解狐去,最合适了。

    " Xie Hu is the right man for the job ," Qi replied without hesitation .

  9. 他们解驴驹的时候,主人问他们说,解驴驹作什么?

    And when they were getting the young ass , the owners of it said to them , why are you taking the young ass ?

  10. 他说,现在解绑似乎没那么重要了。

    Unbundling seems much less important today , he says .

  11. 严格地说第一组解并不是由调和分析得出的结果。

    The first solution , strictly , does not result from an analysis .

  12. 或者说,识解操作是理解语言表达方式所使用的基本心理过程和心理来源。

    That is , construal operations are the underlying psychological processes and resources employed in the Interpretation of linguistic expressions .

  13. 若翰在他的生命中很谦虚,他曾说自己连解鞋带也不配为,而却得到天主的恩赐。

    John in his life was modest , he said that he is not worthy to even untie , and this has been God 's gift .

  14. 这都是根据题目要求而定的,有一个问题是,找出向量的分量就足够了吗?,还是说我们需要解出一条直线的方程?

    It depends what the problem is asking The question is , is it enough to find the components of a vector or do we have to find the equation of a line ?

  15. 例说构造矢量法解初等代数问题

    Explaining with Examples the Structure of Vector to Solve Elementary Algebra Problems

  16. 在那里站着的人,有几个说:“你们解驴驹做什么?”

    5some people standing there asked ," What are you doing , untying that colt ?"

  17. 不要说经典不能依文解义,就是世间人的一首诗你也不能依文解义。

    We cannot even interpret literally on the text of a poem , let alone the sutra .

  18. 那时耶和华晓谕亚摩斯的儿子以赛亚说,你去解掉你腰间的麻布,脱下你脚上的鞋。

    At the same time spake the LORD by Isaiah the son of amoz , saying , go and loose the sackcloth from off thy loins , and put off thy shoe from thy foot .