
  • 网络Rap-Rock;rap rock;Rock;rap
  1. 上年纪的人对现代音乐像说唱、摇滚音乐和重金属摇滚乐等持反对意见。

    The old-timers take objection to modern music , such as rap , rock'n'roll , and heavy metal .

  2. 这音乐演出不是说唱,摇滚,或文化经典。

    The music in those shows isn 't hip-hop , or rock , or anything essential to culture .

  3. 这位灵魂乐教父以其独创性的节奏,粗犷的嗓音和华丽的舞步影响了好几代的说唱和摇滚歌手。

    The Godfather of Soul influenced generations of musicians across a range of genres from rap to rock with his revolutionary rhythms , rough voice and flashy footwork .

  4. 它一直广为流行,但是也仅仅是德国音乐市场的一部分,这个市场又加入了说唱、摇滚、舞曲等等。

    It continues to be popular , but is only one part of a German music market that nowadays also encompasses German rap , rock , chart-pop and dance music .

  5. Beats公司更是把高端耳机变成了连说唱歌手、摇滚巨星也趋之若鹜的时尚配饰。

    Beats took that normality a step further by turning high-end headphones into fashion accessories fit for a rock or rap star .

  6. 更棒的是,上述只是将在格莱美奖的舞台上一展其音乐才华的华丽歌手,说唱者,摇滚歌星中的一小部分。

    Better yet , these are only a few of the amazing singers , rappers , and rockers who will be bringing their musical stardom to the Grammy Award stage .

  7. 今年38岁的坎耶•维斯特则在2013年发布新专辑《Yeezus》时宣布说唱就是“新摇滚”。

    While promoting " Yeezus " ( 2013 ) , his most recent album , cultural firebrand Kanye West , 38 , declared rap the " new rock and roll . "