
  1. 我惊愕万分,不知说什么好。

    I feel simply too devastated for words .

  2. 我们握住彼此的手,不知说什么好。

    We held each other 's hand , not knowing what to say .

  3. 他很同情她,却又不知说什么好。

    He was full of sympathy for her , yet he didn 't know what to say .

  4. 在你不知道该说什么好,但是不做回答又显得太粗鲁的时候,也可以使用emoji符号[大拇指朝上],还有的符号适合你根本不想回答对方的时候。

    There is emoji for when you don 't really know what to say , but don 't want to be rude by not responding [ Thumbs up ] , and for when you just don 't really want to respond at all .

  5. 我能听到他们在说什么好啊

    I can hear what they 're saying ? Uh , yeah

  6. 他站在那儿,不知说什么好。

    He stood there , not knowing what to say .

  7. 对不起,我不知道该说什么好。

    B : Sorry , I don 't know what to say .

  8. 我简直不知道说什么好!

    ' I don 't know what to say ! '

  9. 叫我说什么好呢?我太高兴了。

    What shall I say ? I 'm too happy for words .

  10. 我都不知道说什么好。

    Watch it . I don 't even know what to say .

  11. 是的我不知道该说什么好

    Yeah . I didn 't know what to say .

  12. 我非常抱歉真不知道该说什么好

    I 'm sorry . I don 't know what to say .

  13. 病人:我从来不知道说什么好。

    Patient : I never know what to say .

  14. 唉!我该说什么好?

    Oh , gosh ! What shouid I say ?

  15. 整个事情实在太莫明其妙了,大家都不知道说什么好。

    The whole thing was so fantastic that nobody knew what to say .

  16. 我不知该说什么好了。

    I just don 't know what to say .

  17. 鲍伯:我说什么好?

    Bob : Hey , what can I say ?

  18. 老师们自己惊奇得不知该说什么好。

    The teachers were themselves too surprised to comment .

  19. 真不知道说什么好,太搞笑了。

    I don 't know what to say really , it 's fun .

  20. 除非谈严肃的事,他总是不知说什么好。

    He never knew quite what to say , unless the talk was serious .

  21. 丈夫似乎左右为难,不知说什么好;

    The husband seemed perplexed for an answer ;

  22. 他明天说什么好呢?

    What 's he going to say tomorrow ?

  23. 玛丽安简直不知说什么好。

    Marianne hardly knew what to say .

  24. 这是给你的。&你太费心了!我真不知道说什么好。

    Oh , you shouldn 't have . I don 't know what to say .

  25. 我不知说什么好。我只是安慰了几句。

    I didn 't know what to say-I just offered a few words of consolation .

  26. 听了他的话,她不知说什么好。

    His words left her speechless .

  27. 我对她说什么好?

    What will I tell her ?

  28. 我不知说什么好。我想换一张桌布。

    I just don 't know what to say . I 'd like to replace it .

  29. 我不知道跟你说什么好。我保证她有她的理由。

    I don 't know what to tell you . I 'm sure she has a reason .

  30. 我不知道说什么好,小姐,利蒂说着哭了起来。

    ' I don 't know what to say , miss ,' said Liddy , beginning to cry .