
  1. 二者均应入每日课程计划。

    Both should he written into the daily lesson plans .

  2. 教师们,我们在今天的每日课程也提供了问题来帮助解决你教室中像这样棘手的问题。

    Teachers , we 've also included questions in today 's daily curriculum to help you address tough topics like this in your classrooms .

  3. 一名阿富汗难民的男孩在哭,就如何阅读可兰经经文每日课程中,没有看到一个伊玛目,在任教的拉瓦尔品第,巴基斯坦,星期二,2010年1月19日贫困社区的清真寺。

    An Afghan refugee boy cries during a daily lesson on how to read verses of the Quran , taught by an Imam , not seen , at a mosque in a poor neighborhood of Rawalpindi , Pakistan , Tuesday , Jan.19,2010 .