
  • 网络the hairy ape
  1. 论《毛猿》的现代主义艺术特征

    Comment on Modernism Characteristics of The Hairy Ape

  2. “毛猿”&扬克,残忍,愚蠢并且猥亵,被认为是采矿工人的头,他是社会屈从于机器后的最终产物。

    " The Hairy Ape " & Yank-brutal , stupid , and profane is the recognized leader of the stokers , who are the ultimate products of a society subservient to machines .

  3. 孤独、绝望的现代人&论奥尼尔《毛猿》的主题

    The lonely and desperate modern man : on the theme of The Hairy Ape

  4. 试论尤金.奥尼尔《毛猿》的悲剧根源

    Comment on the tragic source of The Hairy Ape by Eugene O ' Neill

  5. 现代社会的悲喜剧&《毛猿》新论

    The Tragedy and Comic of Modern Society & A New commentary on The Hairy

  6. 主观自我:浪漫主义的缘起与危机迷失的自我&试论《毛猿》中的身份危机

    Subjective Ego : The Origin and Crisis of Romanticism The Lost Self & On the Identity Crisis in The Hairy Ape

  7. 他们是两个意象,但又是迷失的一体。最终没人能说出扬克到底是什么,毛猿或是人类。

    They are two images , but then , they are the lost unity . Eventually , none can tell what Yank is , an ape or a man .

  8. 本文试图借助于拉康的镜像理论及弗洛伊德的心理分析来进一步阐述《毛猿》的主题及主人公的悲剧根源。

    The paper tries to further decipher the theme of the play as well as the protagonist 's tragedy by the devices of Lacan 's mirror theory and Freud 's psychoanalysis technique .

  9. 人类在征服自然的同时,也在加剧自然的污染,《毛猿》中派迪描述了工业化时代的航海对海员的工作环境、天空、海洋等的严重污染。

    On conquering nature , man has aggravated the pollution of nature . Paddy in The Hairy Ape speaks out the pollution of industrialized sailing to sailors ' working environment , to the sky and to the sea .

  10. 在人类对自然的崇拜时期,人与自然的关系趋于和谐的状态,如《毛猿》中派迪回忆他年轻时,也就是工业文明影响较弱的年代,人与自然体现出和谐的图景。

    In the days of nature worship , the man-nature relationship is in a harmonious state . For example , in The Hairy Ape , in the youth memory of Paddy when industrial civilization is in its cradle , man and nature shares harmony .

  11. 关于对奥尼尔表现主义戏剧的研究,评论界一般集中在《毛猿》和《琼斯皇》两部主要作品上,也只是就作品而论作品。

    When it comes to the studies of his expressionist dramas , the critics commonly focus their attention on the two main works , " The Emperor Jones " ( 1920 ) and " The Hairy Ape "( 1922 ), analysing them as they stand .