
  • 网络American Parks;US park
  1. 美国公园管理的最新发展趋势

    New Trends in the US Type Park Management

  2. 这是美国公园植物和动物区系数据库的网站。

    This is the website of Species in Parks : Flora and Fauna Databases .

  3. 国家地理杂志,数字影像,电视及其他途径继续以美国公园的奇境激励着全世界的人民。

    National Geographic 's print , digital , and television outlets continue to inspire the world with the wonder of U.S.parklands .

  4. 蔷薇被广泛用作沿中位数的双车道道路,例如在美国公园道,带。

    Rosa multiflora is widely used as a dense hedge along median strips of dual-carriageway roads such as parkways in the United States .

  5. 不过,巴托尔迪的这个作品,在过去的几十年中,促使美国公园娱乐协会好好地思考了番,并展开了一系列的深度调查。

    Frederic Bartholdi 's statue has given the National Office of Parks and Recreations second thoughts in the past couple of years , and the department has conducted a thorough investigation .

  6. 讽刺的是,“护林熊”运动和美国公园与林业管理局阻止一切森林火灾的发生,中断了自然火灾循环系统,导致林下灌木丛生,反而使问题恶化。

    Ironically , the problem has been exacerbated by the " Smokey the Bear " and Park and Forest Services campaigns to stop all forest fires , halting the natural fire cycle that clears the underbrush out of the forests .

  7. 作者赞赏美国公园管理机构提出的公园用户概念,并由此分析了以游客为中心的公园用户在100多年来如何影响公园区域内的地貌景观、植被景观和野生动物栖息地;

    By appreciating the " park user " concept proposed by park agencies in USA , the author analyzed how the landscapes were changed by park users over the past 100 years by the dimensions of landform , vegetation and wildlife habitats .

  8. 美国国家公园的法律基础

    Legislative Foundation of National Park in the United States of American

  9. 美国国家公园规划体系概述

    A Survey on the Planning System of the American National Parks

  10. 美国郊野公园的游憩活动策划及基础服务设施设计

    The Recreation Plan and Fundamental Service Facilities Design in U.S.Country Park

  11. 中国风景名胜区与美国国家公园比较研究

    Comparision between China 's Scenic Spots and US National Parks

  12. 中国风景名胜区和美国国家公园开发与保护比较

    Comparison of National Parks between America and China in Development and Protection

  13. 美国城市公园与开放空间的发展

    The Development of Urban Parks and Open Space in America

  14. 美国国家公园体系的发展历程及其经验教训

    Evolution And Experience of the National Park System of the United States

  15. 浅析美国国家公园管理经验对我国世界地质公园的启示

    Revelation of the Management Experiences of National Parks in the United States

  16. 创建荒野:印第安人的移徙与美国国家公园

    Creating Wilderness : Indian Removal and America 's National Parks

  17. 美国国家公园制度现状研究与思考

    The Research and Thoughts on the United States ' National Park System

  18. 美国国家公园系统发展及旅游服务研究

    Study on US National Park System Development and Tourism Service

  19. 美国国家公园:起源、性质和功能

    The National Park in the United States Its Origin , Nature and Functions

  20. 我游览了美国炮台公园东龙洲炮台〔特别地区〕

    I have visited the Battery . Tung Lung Fort [ special area ]

  21. 美国国家公园申报准则及审议程序

    Application requirements and deliberation procedure for cadidates of National Park in the United States

  22. 美国国家公园运动和国家公园系统的发展历程

    National Park Movement and Evolution of the National Park System in the United States

  23. 有些美国音乐公园作为城市管弦乐队的夏天根据地。

    Some American music parks serve as the summer home for a city orchestra .

  24. 美国国家公园的秋色

    Autumn Colors in The US National Parks

  25. 美国城市公园和开放空间发展策略及其对我国的借鉴

    Development Strategies of Urban Parks and Open Space in America and its Reference for China

  26. 美国国家公园体系的管理经验&兼谈对中国风景名胜区的启示

    Management Experience of American National Park System

  27. 美国国家公园体系及其资源标准和评审程序

    National Park System of USA and Its Resource Criteria and the Procedure of Appraisement and Authorization

  28. 2016年,美国国家公园服务中心将迎来第100周年纪念日。

    The National Park Service in the United States will mark its one hundredth in twenty-sixteen .

  29. 旅游发展价值取向与制度变革:美国国家公园体系的启示

    Value orientation of tourism development and institutional innovation : inspiration from the National Park System in us

  30. 半圆顶、莱尔山和酋长岩在哪个美国家公园里?

    Which U.S. national park is home to Half Dome , Mount Lyell , and El Capitan ?