
měi yù
  • good reputation;good name/reputation
美誉 [měi yù]
  • [good fame] 美好的名誉

  1. 该公司一直享有新技术研发基地的美誉。

    The company has maintained its reputation as the developing ground for new techniques

  2. 那个沉稳应变的司机在重压下仍能发挥最佳水平,因而赢得了美誉。

    The ice-cool driver has built a reputation for pulling out his best performances under pressure .

  3. 中国有着陶瓷文明之古国的美誉,陶瓷也是中国的象征,china一词的词义足以证明陶瓷与中国之间的关系有多至深。

    China ceramics culture of ancient countries as , ceramics is chinese ," china " means to prove the relationship between china and china has to much .

  4. 其营养丰富,素有牧草之王的美誉。维生素E是人体和动物必须从食物中摄取的微量营养素之一,具有重要的生物学功能。

    Vitamin E , with important biological functions , is a micronutrient that it must be absorbed from dietary .

  5. 也许是因为有这样的美誉IBM公司钮扣向下蓝色西服类公司。

    Maybe it is because IBM has such the reputation as a buttoned-down blue suit sort of corporation .

  6. 此外,此API是Python版本,而该语言享有开发迅速的美誉;而且它还是一种解释效率很高的语言。

    In addition , the API is in Python , which has a reputation for fast development ; it is a highly productive interpreted language .

  7. 素有百湖之市美誉之称的武汉,拥有丰富的湖泊资源,然而优越的湖泊旅游资源并没有给武汉市的GDP带来多大的贡献率。

    What is called " the city of hundreds of lakes ", with sufficient lake recourse , the GDP of lakes tour in Wuhan is worse than other lakes .

  8. 他的作品的文化高度激发了AndyWarhol的灵感,并为他自己赢得了波普之父的美誉。

    His work 's elevation of popular culture inspired Andy Warhol and earned him his reputation as the father of pop art .

  9. 是荨麻科(Urticaceae)苎麻属(Boehmeria)多年生宿根性草本植物,也是我国的特产,在世界上素有中国草的美誉。

    , special product of China and named " China grass " is a herbaceous perennid which belongs to urticaceae family , boehmeria genus .

  10. 中国苏州市(suzhou)距上海约60英里,以园林和水网密布名闻中外,它一度赢得了“东方威尼斯”(theveniceoftheeast)的美誉,许多亚洲城市都有着不同寻常的别名。

    The Chinese city of Suzhou , about 60 miles from Shanghai , is known best for its gardens and for the network of canals that once earned it the nickname , alongside numerous other Asian cities , of " the Venice of the East " .

  11. 在中国内地,麦当劳和百胜餐饮集团(YumBrands)旗下的肯德基(KFC)等外国快餐品牌多年享有清洁、优质和安全的美誉。

    Foreign fast food brands such as McDonald 's and Yum 's KFC have long enjoyed a reputation for cleanliness , quality and safety on the mainland , which has faced a string of food quality scandals in recent years .

  12. 考虑到他显露无疑的自我推销天赋,Soghoian博士“数码盔甲里的骑士”的美誉是否还能站的住脚?

    Can Dr Soghoian 's reputation as a knight in digital armour be squared with his obvious flair for self-promotion ?

  13. 我真希望你能再表现好点SterlingCooper公司素来具有创新美誉小姐你太过分了Don别这样在这不能够冲动我们没道理谈不拢的谈拢什么?

    Sterling Cooper has a reputation for being innovative . Miss , you are way out of line . Don , please . Let 's not get emotional here . There 's no reason we can not talk this out . Talk out what ?

  14. 据说米开朗基罗(michelangelo)做饭只用fiuggi牌矿泉水,但这可能是因为它有溶解肾结石的美誉他患有严重的肾结石。

    Michelangelo reputedly never cooked except with Fiuggi water , but that may have been because of its fame for breaking down kidney stones , from which he suffered badly .

  15. 百合(LiLiumspp.)在我国栽培历史悠久,种质资源丰富,百合花姿绰约,色彩斑斓,花型丰富,喻意美好,是世界著名五大鲜切花之一,拥有球根花卉之王的美誉。

    Lily ( Lilium spp. ) cultivation in China has a long history , rich germplasm resources , Lily appearance graceful , colorful , rich flower types , metaphor meaning beautiful , is the five world famous delicacy cuts one of flowers , with " Bullbar flower king " reputation .

  16. 本田公司希望NSX将再度彰显其技术致胜的美誉,也希望NSX能提升本田作为高端汽车和卡车制造商的品牌形象。

    Honda hopes NSX will burnish its reputational halo for technical expertise . The automaker also wants NSX to help boost Acura 's brand image as a maker of premium cars and trucks .

  17. 花王社长尾崎元规(MotokiOzaki)说,花王的妙而舒(Merries)透气纸尿裤在海外获得了有利宝宝成长的美誉,吸引了希望使孩子赢在起跑线的妈妈。

    Kao Corp. 's breathable Merries diapers have gained a reputation abroad for being good for a baby 's development , appealing to mothers who want to maximize the head start they give their children , Kao Chairman Motoki Ozaki said in a recent interview .

  18. 杭州长久以来享有人间天堂的美誉。

    Hangzhou has been long reputed as a paradise on earth .

  19. 基于完善的监管,伦敦素有正直的美誉。

    London has a reputation for probity based on sound regulation .

  20. 我们公司以享有经营作风正派的美誉而感到自豪。

    Our company is proud of its reputation for fair dealing .

  21. 她对待穷人仁慈,享有美誉。

    She has the reputation of being kind to the poor .

  22. 浙江素有传统桥梁博物馆之美誉。

    Zhejiang province has the reputation of " Traditional Bridge Museum " .

  23. 中国包涵花卉的植物资源丰富,类型多样,素有世界园林之母的美誉。

    China has very rich garden plant and flower resources .

  24. 因而蚕丝素有“人体第二肌肤”之美誉。

    Therefore silk is known as " second-skin body " of reputation .

  25. 这部小说使他获得了大作家的美誉。

    The novel ensured his name as a great writer .

  26. 这景德镇的瓷器有声如謦的美誉?

    Jingdezhen porcelain can sound as beautiful as a bell ?

  27. 而西双版纳又有着热带植物王国的美誉。

    And Xishuang Banna is billed as a kingdom of tropical plants .

  28. 美誉易失不易得。

    A good name is easier to lose than win .

  29. 美国人有非常好客的美誉。

    Americans have the reputation of being very hospitable people .

  30. 自古有金张掖、银武威之美誉。

    Gold since ancient times , Zhangye , Wuwei 's reputation silver .