
  1. 拉加德称美国债务上限的不确定性非常令人担忧,她接受NBC电视台《MeetthePress》节目采访时表示,美国若发生债务违约,会给世界经济的复苏带来威胁。

    Lagarde calls uncertainty of the US debt celling very concerning , telling NBC 's Meet the Press , that the potential for a US default , push the world economic recovery at risk .

  2. TIGER指标中的金融市场指标受到重创,反映出自今年春季以来、在欧元区和美国债务上限问题久悬不决的情况下,没有快速解决方案出台导致的普遍市场担忧。

    The financial market component of the indicator has been hard hit , reflecting widespread anxiety in markets since the spring and the lack of rapid resolution to the uncertainties hanging over the eurozone and the US debt ceiling .

  3. 国会已经提高美国债务上限。

    Congress has raised the roof on the U.S. debt limit .

  4. 巴克曼是本月早些时候投票反对提高美国债务上限的几位共和党议员之一。

    Bachmann was one of several Republican lawmakers who voted against raising the U.

  5. 围绕美国债务上限及其后果的辩论就突显了这一两难问题。

    The debate about the US debt ceiling and its likely consequences highlights the dilemma .

  6. 对于华盛顿正在上演的美国债务上限摊牌,市场反应迄今是低调的。

    The markets ' response to the debt ceiling showdown in Washington has so far been muted .

  7. 提案将分两个阶段将美国债务上限总计提高2.4万亿美元。

    An outline of the deal would raise the debt ceiling by $ 2.4 trillion in two stages .

  8. 欧洲的主权债务危机发展缓慢,投资者的注意力被美国债务上限谈判的闹剧所打断。

    The farcical debate on the debt ceiling temporarily distracted traders from the slow-motion sovereign debt crisis in Europe .

  9. 希腊危机和美国债务上限危机有可能暂时消退实际上是很有可能。

    It is quite likely indeed probable that both the Greek and the debt ceiling crises will at least temporarily recede .

  10. 最近几周,目睹围绕美国债务上限的闹剧,许多美国人与非美国人可能都在思考这个问题。

    Many Americans - and non-Americans - might have wondered this in recent weeks , amid the drama surrounding the debt ceiling .

  11. 奥巴马总统曾表示,达成政治协议,提高美国债务上限,通过削减支出来稳定经济的时间已经很紧迫。

    President Obama has said time is running out for a political deal to raise America 's debt limit and stabilise the economy by cutting spending .

  12. 两周之前,美国债务上限谈判占据了焦点位置,暂时分散了投资者对欧洲严重的债务危机的关注。

    The markets had temporarily turned away from the crippling debt crisis in Europe two weeks ago as the debt ceiling debate in the U.S. took center stage .

  13. 阿南塔说,就美国债务上限问题达不成协议的后果是难以想象的,你们最好闭上眼睛,这似乎是大多数投资者将要做的动作。

    ' The consequence of no deal is so unfathomable , it 's best to close your eyes , 'something most investors seem to be doing , Anantha-Nageswaran said .

  14. 延长对政府融资的计划将于3月份到期,增加法律规定的美国债务上限的提案,将需要在5月底前获得批准。

    An extension of funding for the government is due in March , and an increase in the US debt limit , which is set by law , will need to be approved by the end of May .

  15. 奥巴马还提出了令共和党恼火的其他要求,比如永久性提高美国债务上限、一个更加激进的住房贷款再融资项目以及至少500亿美元的新刺激方案。

    Mr Obama is also making other demands – such as a permanent increase in the US borrowing limit , a more aggressive housing refinancing programme , and at least $ 50bn in new stimulus – that have irked Republicans .

  16. 虽然提高美国债务上限的最后期限在一秒一秒地接近,但那里的交易商们认为,美国发生债务违约的可能性是很小的。他们更关心的是美国的信用评级一旦被下调可能会引起什么样的后果。

    As the clock ticks towards a deadline to raise the U.S. debt ceiling , traders believe a default on that debt is still highly unlikely , and are more concerned about the consequences of a potential downgrade of the U.S. credit rating .

  17. 他们的动机与美元前景无关,也并非缘于对美国债务上限问题(指的是如果美国不能提高发债规模法定上限那么很快就会违约的风险)的担忧。

    Their motive has nothing to do with the outlook for the dollar . Nor does it reflect fears about the US debt ceiling ( or the risk that the US will soon default if it fails to raise the legal limit on bond issuance ) .

  18. 在最近的美国债务上限风波中,人们忽视了这样一个问题:财政政策不是唯一分裂美国的问题。在如何处理外交政策、以及阿拉伯革命(或曰阿拉伯之春)的问题上,美国政界如今也存在严重分歧。

    What has been overlooked during the recent drama over the debt ceiling is that fiscal policy is not the only question splitting the nation : the political world is now also deeply divided about what it should do about foreign policy - and those revolutions-cum-springs .

  19. 芝加哥商品交易所集团(CMEGroup)表示:随着美国逼近债务上限,我们将继续监视流动性环境和适当的抵押品折价。该集团接受美国国债作为期货头寸担保

    We will continue to monitor the liquidity environment and appropriate collateral haircuts as the US approaches the debt ceiling , said the CME Group , which accepts US Treasuries against futures positions

  20. 围绕美国政府债务上限的激烈辩论,颇有可能吸引投资者的注意力。

    There is a decent chance the noisy debate over the US debt ceiling will catch investors ' attention .

  21. 市场恐慌发生在美国达成债务上限协议之时,而不是没能达成之时。

    The market panic began when the US succeeded in reaching settlement , not when it failed to do so .

  22. 为了制衡奥巴马,共和党通过自动削减和全面削减开支改变了美国主要债务上限的最后期限。

    Republicans shifted the deadline on the debt ceiling principally to obtain leverage over Mr Obama through the sequester-automatic , across-the-board spending cuts .

  23. 自5月中旬美国触及债务上限以来,短期国债的供应已大幅下降,对价格形成支撑。

    Since mid-May , when the US hit the borrowing limit , the supply of short-term bills has dropped sharply , helping prices .

  24. 减赤协议还是达成了,该协议最终决定提高美国的债务上限,以避开违约的风险。但貌似没人会笑得出来。

    THE deficit-reduction deal that finally raised America 's debt ceiling and staved off the threat of default seemed to make no one happy .

  25. 该预算协议不会提高美国的债务上限,要避免新的违约风险,债务上限必须在2014年再次上调。

    The deal will not raise the US debt limit , which will have to be lifted again in 2014 to avoid a new brush with default .

  26. 鉴于保守派已决意将提高美国联邦债务上限作为签署赤字协议的条件,在缩小当前的缺口上取得一定的进展,似乎是可能的。

    With conservatives determined to hold raising the US federal debt ceiling hostage to a deficit agreement , some progress toward reducing the current gap seems likely .

  27. 美国债务可能的上限危机现在已经解除。

    The possible U.S. debt ceiling crisis averted for now .

  28. 海泽尔同时警告说,美国在联邦债务上限方面无法达成协议正在削弱亚太地区内的企业信心。

    She also warns regional business confidence is being undermined by the U.S.failure to agree on an increase in the federal debt ceiling .

  29. 对于设想的冲突将在接下来的几个月对于授权明年的联邦预算及增加美国政府的债务上限临近的最后期限上加强。

    The clash in visions will intensify in the coming months as deadlines loom for authorizing next year 's federal budget and increasing the U.S. government 's debt limit .

  30. 许多共和党人一直坚称,提高债务上限应与他们更激进的支出削减目标相绑定。随着美国债务总额突破上限的日子日益临近,这为两党的一决胜负搭建了舞台。

    Many Republicans have insisted that a higher debt ceiling should be tied to their aggressive spending cut targets , setting the stage for a big political showdown as the date approaches .