
Lagarde calls uncertainty of the US debt celling very concerning , telling NBC 's Meet the Press , that the potential for a US default , push the world economic recovery at risk .
The financial market component of the indicator has been hard hit , reflecting widespread anxiety in markets since the spring and the lack of rapid resolution to the uncertainties hanging over the eurozone and the US debt ceiling .
Congress has raised the roof on the U.S. debt limit .
Bachmann was one of several Republican lawmakers who voted against raising the U.
The debate about the US debt ceiling and its likely consequences highlights the dilemma .
The markets ' response to the debt ceiling showdown in Washington has so far been muted .
An outline of the deal would raise the debt ceiling by $ 2.4 trillion in two stages .
The farcical debate on the debt ceiling temporarily distracted traders from the slow-motion sovereign debt crisis in Europe .
It is quite likely indeed probable that both the Greek and the debt ceiling crises will at least temporarily recede .
Many Americans - and non-Americans - might have wondered this in recent weeks , amid the drama surrounding the debt ceiling .
President Obama has said time is running out for a political deal to raise America 's debt limit and stabilise the economy by cutting spending .
The markets had temporarily turned away from the crippling debt crisis in Europe two weeks ago as the debt ceiling debate in the U.S. took center stage .
' The consequence of no deal is so unfathomable , it 's best to close your eyes , 'something most investors seem to be doing , Anantha-Nageswaran said .
An extension of funding for the government is due in March , and an increase in the US debt limit , which is set by law , will need to be approved by the end of May .
Mr Obama is also making other demands – such as a permanent increase in the US borrowing limit , a more aggressive housing refinancing programme , and at least $ 50bn in new stimulus – that have irked Republicans .
As the clock ticks towards a deadline to raise the U.S. debt ceiling , traders believe a default on that debt is still highly unlikely , and are more concerned about the consequences of a potential downgrade of the U.S. credit rating .
Their motive has nothing to do with the outlook for the dollar . Nor does it reflect fears about the US debt ceiling ( or the risk that the US will soon default if it fails to raise the legal limit on bond issuance ) .
What has been overlooked during the recent drama over the debt ceiling is that fiscal policy is not the only question splitting the nation : the political world is now also deeply divided about what it should do about foreign policy - and those revolutions-cum-springs .
We will continue to monitor the liquidity environment and appropriate collateral haircuts as the US approaches the debt ceiling , said the CME Group , which accepts US Treasuries against futures positions
There is a decent chance the noisy debate over the US debt ceiling will catch investors ' attention .
The market panic began when the US succeeded in reaching settlement , not when it failed to do so .
Republicans shifted the deadline on the debt ceiling principally to obtain leverage over Mr Obama through the sequester-automatic , across-the-board spending cuts .
Since mid-May , when the US hit the borrowing limit , the supply of short-term bills has dropped sharply , helping prices .
THE deficit-reduction deal that finally raised America 's debt ceiling and staved off the threat of default seemed to make no one happy .
The deal will not raise the US debt limit , which will have to be lifted again in 2014 to avoid a new brush with default .
With conservatives determined to hold raising the US federal debt ceiling hostage to a deficit agreement , some progress toward reducing the current gap seems likely .
The possible U.S. debt ceiling crisis averted for now .
She also warns regional business confidence is being undermined by the U.S.failure to agree on an increase in the federal debt ceiling .
The clash in visions will intensify in the coming months as deadlines loom for authorizing next year 's federal budget and increasing the U.S. government 's debt limit .
Many Republicans have insisted that a higher debt ceiling should be tied to their aggressive spending cut targets , setting the stage for a big political showdown as the date approaches .