
zhài quàn xìn yònɡ děnɡ jí
  • bond rating
  1. 债券信用等级高于或仍等于主体信用等级,从而其市场价格的波动风险得到降低。

    Bond credit rating higher or still equal to the issuer credit rating , thus the risk of market price fluctuations have been reduced .

  2. 如何提升债券信用等级以及各种增信方式的有效性已成为发行人、承销商、投资者以及评级机构关注的重要问题。

    So how to enhance the credit rating level and the validity of different measures of credit enhancement have become an attention question of the issuers 、 the securities companies and the credit rating agencies .

  3. 昨天西班牙被标准普尔(Standard&Poor's)降低债券信用等级,令市场加剧担心希腊债务危机将蔓延至其它欧元区国家,并导致欧元兑美元汇率跌至新低。

    Fears that Greece 's debt crisis will spread to other eurozone nations intensified yesterday when Spain suffered a debt downgrade from Standard & Poor 's , sending the euro to fresh lows against the dollar .

  4. 中国进出口银行在日本获债券信用高等级

    The Import and Export Bank of China wins high bond credit rating in Japan

  5. 他们担心更多的坏消息,诸如债券保险信用等级评级调低,会引发恶性循环。

    They feared more bad news , such as the downgrading of bond insurance , could set off a nasty downward spiral .

  6. 市政债券的参与可以增强债券信用等级、扩大发行规模,从而降低隔资成本。

    The participation of the municipal bond bank can strengthen the credit rating , enlarge the scope of publishment in order to cut down the financing cost .

  7. 债券担保所带来的结果是债券信用等级提高了,其市场波动风险降低了,债券价格的稳定性得到提高。

    Bonds secured by the consequences of bond credit rating , the lower their risk of market fluctuations , the stability of the bond prices improved .