
  • 网络Claims Evidence Obtained;evidence of indebtendness
  1. 金融债权凭证与其所记载的财物具有分离性的特点。

    Financial claims documents and records with dissociative characteristic property .

  2. 虚拟财产在性质上是一种类似于无记名有价证券的虚拟债权凭证,具有证权一体性和无因性。

    Virtual property is a virtual documents of obligation similar to bearer securities .

  3. 证券是一个分享利润的合同的债权凭证或权益证明。

    A security is the evidence of indebtedness or certificate of interest in a profit sharing contract .

  4. 包买票据是商业银行对出口商持有,并经银行担保的债权凭证无追索权购买的金融服务活动。

    Package buying instruments are financial services activities held by commercial banks to exporters , and guar-anteed by banks of debt certificate of non-recourse buying .

  5. 对于利用他人的债权凭证非法取得财物的行为,应当正确区分三角诈骗(诈骗罪)与其他犯罪的界限。

    The act of using others ' documents of obligation to acquire property illegally , however , should be properly distinguished between the tripartite fraud and other crimes .

  6. 对于伪造金融债权凭证型的犯罪行为根据我国刑法的相关规定,直接定为伪造金融票证罪。

    Third , to forge financial creditor s rights certificate type crime according to the criminal law of our country of the relevant provisions , directly as a fake ticket financial crime .

  7. 本文从执行中止事由的纯化、执行观念的更新和债权凭证制度的构建等方面为建立新的执行中止制度提出了具体的设想。

    This article puts forward the tentative plan in discontinuation of execution in the future such as the purification of particulars , the renewal of conception in execution and the construction of an obligatory right 's voucher .

  8. 史力指出,顶级抵押债权凭证的内在风险与卖出期权十分相似,后者已经在金融市场出现了几十年之久,其风险已被人熟知。

    As Mr Sirri points out , the dangers inherent in super senior tranches of CDOs were similar to those in put options , instruments that have been around in financial markets for decades and entail risks that are well understood .

  9. 央行票据是中央银行为调节商业银行超额准备金向金融机构发行的短期债权债务凭证,其实质是中央银行债券。

    The central bank bill is a short-term debt instrument issued by central bank which purposes to regulate the commercial banks ' excess reserves .