
  • 网络Bond interest income;bond interest received;Coupon In-comes
  1. 债券利息收入及卖出债券所得价款;

    Bond interest income and the proceeds from selling bonds ;

  2. 在未来20年的时间里商业机构是否能创造出足以支付股息和债券利息的收入来落实婴儿潮一代的养老金问题?

    Will businesses in20 years'time be producing enough income to pay the dividends and bond interest to pay baby-boomers their private-sector pensions ?

  3. 但我国没有规定对于转让价差获得的收入与资产支持债券的利息收入免税。

    But our country has not established any regulation to avoid income tax when we get the income of price difference and the interest of ABS .

  4. 因为通胀会侵蚀债券利息这项固定收入,格罗斯还担忧通胀将很快抬头,进而促使投资者抛售国债;投资者将要求得到更高的回报,以补偿这种风险。

    Mr gross was also concerned that inflation , which erodes the fixed payments received as interest on bonds , would soon rise and spark the selling of Treasuries ; investors would demand a higher return to compensate for that risk .

  5. 国有媒体新华社报道称,这项优惠适用于投资资金从证券市场取得的所有收入,包括买卖股票、债券的差价收入,股权的利息、红利收入,债券的利息收入及其他收入。

    The exemption applies to all income from investment funds from securities markets – including stock and bond trading , and interest or dividends from stock or bond investments – according to state news agency Xinhua .

  6. 本月早些时候,巴西将外资购买国内债券的税率从一年前的水平上调一倍,至4%。泰国重新对外国投资者所持债券的利息收入和资本利得征收15%的预扣税。

    Earlier this month Brazil doubled a tax on foreign purchases of domestic debt , introduced a year ago , to 4 per cent , while Thailand reinstated a 15 per cent withholding tax on interest payments and capital gains on bonds held by foreign investors .