
zhài wù xiàn é
  • Debt limit;debt ceiling;liability limits
  1. 说到底,当然眼下也有一些值得担心的事【如债务限额、欧洲的债务违约,另外新一季的真人秀《学徒》(TheApprentice)也上映了】,但你仍不妨对股市保持一些信心。

    The bottom line : sure there are things to worry about ( the debt ceiling , defaults in Europe , another season of the apprentice ) , but keep some perspective .

  2. Uria引用白宫和国会之间针对提高债务限额而进行的拖沓冗长的谈判为例。

    Uria cites the long , drawn out negotiations between the White House and Congress over raising the debt ceiling as an example .

  3. Q什么是债务限额?

    Q What is the debt limit ?

  4. 在马里兰州Glyndon一个炎热的夏日,华盛顿的债务限额之争似乎离他们很遥远。

    On a hot summer day in Glyndon , Maryland , the debt ceiling debate in Washington seems far away .

  5. 或者是华盛顿对财政悬崖与债务限额争论。

    Or the fiscal cliff and debt ceiling debates in Washington .

  6. 美国政客就提高政府债务限额达成临时协议,避免债务违约之后,全球的投资者一起松了一口气。

    Stocks Rally on US Debt Deal , Briefly Global Investors breathed a

  7. 预期下个月政府将达到这个债务限额。

    The government is expected to hit its debt limit next month .

  8. 他正在关注美国关于债务限额的政治辩论。

    He is watching the U.S. political debate over the debt limit .

  9. 因此,债务限额就是一个国家可以借多少钱。

    So , the debt limit is how much money a country can borrow .

  10. 作为磋商的一部分,国会中的一些人会很高兴看到一个更高的债务限额。

    Some in Congress would like to see a higher debt ceiling as part of negotiations .

  11. 参议院投票将提高这个国家的债务限额至1.9万亿美元。

    The Senate vote would 've raise the country 's debt limit by $ 1.9 trillion .

  12. 债务限额是政府获准借款的最高限制。

    The debt limit is the amount of money that the government is ted to borrow .

  13. 国会反对派共和党人拒绝提高债务限额,除非大幅削减政府预算赤字。

    Opposition Republicans in Congress refuse to increase the debt ceiling unless the government budget deficit is reduced

  14. 总统表示,关于债务限额的不确定性是阻止企业雇工的其中一个因素。

    The president said continuing uncertainty over the debt limit is one factor keeping businesses from hiring .

  15. 美国国会图书馆的研究人员表示,国会于1917年通过了第一部关于债务限额的法律。

    Researchers at the Library of Congress say Congress passed the first debt-limit law in nineteen seventeen .

  16. 这样,你只能挖自己成为迄今为止消费债务限额站你面前。

    That way you can only dig yourself so far into debt before the spending limit stops you .

  17. 国会和总统现在必须将注意力转移到明年的预算案和债务限额等问题上。

    Congress and the president must now issues like the budget for next year and the debt limit .

  18. 过去一年多来,西班牙双管齐下,一方面削减养老金,另一方面将债务限额写进宪法。

    Over the past year or so Spain has pared pensions and written debt limits into the constitution .

  19. 因为我们认为这个我们想附加的债务限额既削减了开资又限制了开资。

    As we consider the debt limit we want to attach spending cuts and spending controls to it .

  20. 为了内生业务相关的外债使用而提高短期债务限额不会对中国国内的货币供应产生影响。

    Increase short-term debt quota for genuine trade related uses which are not affecting the monetary supply within China .

  21. 带有保障性契约的信贷,例如债务限额,固定费用利息偿付或控制条款的更改。

    Credits with protective covenants such as debt incurrence limit , fixed charge interest coverage or change of control clauses .

  22. 财政部的官员相信如果美国不提高债务限额,在7月初就会拖欠债务。

    Treasury officials believe the US could default on its debt in early July if the debt ceiling is not raised .

  23. 参议院中负责预算编制过程的民主党人已宣布任何违背债务限额的提案是不被接受的。

    The Democrats in charge of the budgeting process in the Senate have already declared any departure from the debt-ceiling deal unacceptable .

  24. 只有国会向美国向各州发放宪法平衡预算修正案的条件下,该立法才可能提高债务限额。

    The legislation would have raised the debt ceiling only if Congress sent a balanced-budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution to the states for

  25. 然而,这并不意味着债务限额一定会上升,仍然需要众议院通过。

    This doesn 't mean the debt limit is definitely going up , though ; it still has to the House of Representatives .

  26. 赤字问题已经与国会不久将审议表决的提高国家14.3万亿美元的债务限额缠绕在一起。

    The deficit issue has become entangled with a vote Congress will soon consider on raising the nation 's $ 14.3 trillion debt ceiling .

  27. 然而在总体上,债务限额一次又一次的争论增加了债务限额,而没有意识到减少支出这一长期要求。

    But in all the to-and-fro over raising the debt ceiling , little sensible has been said about lowering spending in the long term .

  28. 虽然这并不意味着债务限额肯定会上升,但它仍须获得众议院的通过。

    This doesn 't mean the debt limit is definitely going up , though , it still has to get through the House of Representatives .

  29. 预计美国政府将在4月15日至5月31日之间突破债务限额,需要国会中的财政强硬派“放一马”。

    The government is expected to breach its debt limit between April 15 and May 31 and needs a reprieve from fiscal hawks in Congress .

  30. 美国债务限额的一个独特之处在于,它适用于联邦债务总额,而其中大部分由政府自身持有。

    One peculiarity of the debt limit is that it applies to the gross federal debt , much of which is held by the government itself .