
  1. 如果房价恢复下滑的话,低市盈率将被证明极具欺骗性。

    If they resume their tumble , the low multiple will prove painfully deceptive .

  2. 证券公司倾向于卖出高市盈率的股票,买入低市盈率的股票。

    Securities firms tend to sell high price-earnings ratio of stocks , buying stocks with low price-earnings ratio .

  3. 不过,一位数的低市盈率并不是宣布最大规模减记的那些银行所独有的。

    But low single digit earnings multiples are not solely reserved for banks that have announced the biggest writedowns .

  4. 其中存在例外,但总体而言,低市盈率伴随着高收益,反之亦然。

    There are exceptions , but in general , low p / e ratios are accompanied by high returns and vice versa .

  5. 市盈率(P/E)-高市盈率股票的收益表现逊于低市盈率的股票;

    P / E ratio-the stock with high P / E doesn 't displays as well as the stock with low P / E ;

  6. 国外的成熟、以投资理念为核心的市场,一般具有低市盈率效应。

    Generally the maturity of the abroad , take investing principle as the market of the core , has a low the Price-Earnings Ratio Effect .

  7. 通胀上升将促使投资者要求市盈率下降。日本式的通缩也会推低市盈率&在这种通缩状况下,不断下降的物价对利润构成长久下行压力。

    Higher inflation will require investors to demand lower earnings multiples . Japanese-style deflation , where reducing prices put long-lasting downward pressure on profits , also pushes down multiples .

  8. P/E(市盈率)股价除以每股收益的值。低市盈率的股票表示价值较高,高市盈率股票往往被高估。

    The price of a stock divided by its earnings per share . A low P / E usually indicates good value ; a high P / E , an overvalued stock .

  9. 这一次华能新能源将寻求以较低的市盈率来吸引投资者。

    This time Huaneng renewables will seek to woo investors with a lower price to earnings ratio .

  10. 今天的股票市场其实很讨厌技术,因为看到了各大公共技术公司一直以来的较低的市盈率。

    Today 's stock market actually hates technology , as shown by all-time low price / earnings ratios for major public technology companies .

  11. 市盈率较低的公司合并市盈率较高公司时,被并方股票市价将下跌。

    When the lower price-earnings ratio ( PE ) of companies absorb the higher PE of company , the later stock price will decreased .