
  • 网络low-level equilibrium trap;low level equilibrium trap;low level equilibrium t rap
  1. 模型根据两种差异化的人力资本升级形式得出了两种不同的经济增长方式:持续式增长模式和颤抖式增长模式,以此可以解释发展中国家中存在的低水平均衡陷阱。

    According two different types of human capital accumulation , we obtain two different types of economic growth , the sustained growth mode and trembling growth mode , which can explain the existence of low-level equilibrium trap in developing countries .

  2. 打破低水平均衡、跳出陷阱、终结贫困一直是人类的一个梦想,有无数的学者对这个问题进行了深入的探讨和研究。

    Breaking the low-level equilibrium and escaping from the poverty traps has always been a dream of humankind . Thousands of scholars paid great attention to this issue and made discussion and research related to it .