
  • 网络bass flute;ContraBass Flute
  1. 此外,钢琴、小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、低音提琴、长笛的不同组合势必将为爱乐者展现一场丰富多彩的声乐大餐。

    We believe , the different combinations of piano , violin , viola , cello , violone , flute will show a splendid concert for music lovers .

  2. 制片人萨姆•斯皮格尔只听过十分钟他给法国电影《花落莺啼春》所作的配乐,那是由贝司、低音贝司、长笛和桌上竖琴演奏的。

    Sam Spiegel , the producer , had heard only his ten-minute score for a French film called " Sundays and Cybele ", written for bass , counter-bass , flute and table-harp .