
  • 网络Non-classical Logic;non-classic logics
  1. 从逻辑哲学观点看,作为非经典逻辑的现代归纳逻辑正在向AI领域拓展。

    From the standpoint of philosophy of logic , modern inductive logic as a non-classical logic is extending to the field of AI .

  2. 格值逻辑(LVL)是本文作者于1986年引进的人工智能领域中的一种非经典逻辑。

    Lattice-Valued Logice ( LVL ) that was set up by the writers in1986 is a kind of non-classical Logic ( AI ) .

  3. 建立在非经典逻辑基础上的知识逻辑SI允许存在不一致的信息,但是却不会得出“任意结论”。

    The Knowledge Logic SI based on the non-standard logic allows incoherent information state , but not everything can derive from it .

  4. 非经典逻辑的语义tableau方法

    Semantic Tableau Method in Non-Classical Logics

  5. 众所周知,经典命题逻辑中的判定问题是NP完全问题,而一阶逻辑是半可判定问题,关于非经典逻辑特别是非单调逻辑的计算复杂性分析和算法实现是一个重要的研究领域。

    It is well known that the determinant problem in classic proposition logic is a NP complete problem , and the first order logic is a half determinant one . So both the analysis of computing complexity and the realization of it are the most important fields .

  6. 次协调逻辑属于异常型的非经典逻辑。

    The paraconsistent logic belongs to the unusual non - classical logic .

  7. 作者认为哲学逻辑是具有哲学旨趣或涉及哲学事业的非经典逻辑。

    We believe it 's a non-classical logic with philosophical purport or cause .

  8. 在非经典逻辑的研究中,格值逻辑的研究具有重要而广泛的意义。

    In the study of non-classical logic , lattice-valued logic system is of extensive significance .

  9. 基本命题逻辑是不同于经典命题逻辑的命题逻辑,属于非经典逻辑,与它最类似的非经典逻辑是直觉主义命题逻辑。

    Basic propositional logic is a non-classical logic which is different from classical propositional logic and intuitionistic propositional logic .

  10. 赋值格为险象识别格的一种非经典逻辑系统K~(Ⅱ)(英文)

    A New Kind of Nonclassical Logical System K ~ # which Takes Dangerous Signal Recognition Lattice as Evaluation Lattice (ⅱ)

  11. 模糊逻辑与量子逻辑以及它们相应的代数系统是目前非经典逻辑体系中非常活跃的研究分支。

    Now , studies about fuzzy logic , quantum logic and the corresponding algebra systems are very active in non-classical logic .

  12. 研究赋值格为非线性序的一种非经典逻辑系统K。

    In this paper , a new kind of non-classical logic system K ~ # associated with a nonlinear ordering evaluation lattice is researched .

  13. 20世纪80年代以来,非经典逻辑在计算机科学和人工智能领域获得了基础性的地位。

    Since the eighties of the 20th century , non-classical logic has obtained the basic position in the fields of computer science and artificial intelligence .

  14. 研究具有矛盾和不确定性问题的各种非经典逻辑和现代逻辑是人工智能的主要发展方向之一。

    Studies of various non-classical logic and modern logic , which contain contradiction and uncertainties , have been the mainstream topics for further development of AI .

  15. 目前,基于非经典逻辑的自动推理系统由于它加速了人工智能的发展而越来越引起人们的广泛重视。

    In recent years , automated deduction based on non-classical logics , which speed up the development of artificial intelligence , has attracted many researcher 's attention .

  16. 一方面,非经典逻辑在机器自动证明理论、多智能体系统、程序验证等领域获得了广泛的应用。

    On the one hand , non-classical logics have been applied broadly in machine automatic prove , multi-agent system and program validation and so forth research fields .

  17. 格值逻辑是一种重要的非经典逻辑,它不仅能刻画全序性信息,而且还能刻画非全序(即不可比较)的不确定性信息。

    Lattice-valued logic is an important kind of non-classical logic in that it can not only depict totally ordered information , but also non-totally ordered ( noncoma-parable ) information .

  18. 本文首先对传统的几种经典逻辑和非经典逻辑大致做一介绍,然后重点讲述泛逻辑以及三值概率逻辑的基本原理。

    Firstly , the paper , through the introduction of several classical logics and non-classical logics , and then discussed emphatically the principle of universal logic and three-valued probabilistic logic .

  19. 对此,需要研究非经典逻辑代数与非经典代数逻辑,以及相应的用语言表示真值的语言真值逻辑代数与语言真值代数逻辑,这对智能信息处理的发展具有十分重要的意义。

    Hence , non-classical logical algebra , non-classical logic system and corresponding with linguistic truth value logical algebra and algebraic logic system of truth which is expressed by natural language need to be studied , all of these are very important meaningful for intelligent information processing .

  20. 模糊逻辑作为非经典数理逻辑的一个重要分支是人工智能与信息科学等许多领域中推理机制的基础。

    Fuzzy logic , as an important branch of non-classical mathematical logics , is the basis of inference mechanism of many fields , such as artificial intelligence , information science , and etc. .

  21. 将论证理解为语义学概念还是语用学(辩证的)概念是非形式逻辑和经典逻辑的分水岭。

    Understanding argument as a semantic conception or as pragmatic conception is the watershed between informal logic and classical logic .