
  • 网络complex conjugate;complex conjugation;Conj
  1. 一般来说,由于OCT系统不采集干涉信号的相位,因而出现了复共轭效应;

    Complex conjugate artifacts arise because , generally , OCT systems do not acquire the phase of the interferometric signal .

  2. 括号中的首项为DC项,与DC光谱相对应;括号中的第二项表示反射器的位置及其复共轭。

    The first term in the parenthesis is the DC term , and corresponds to the DC spectrum , and the second term in the parenthesis represents the location of the reflector and its complex conjugate .

  3. 多模TEACO2激光位相复共轭的实验研究

    Experimental study on phase conjugate of multimode TEA CO_2 lasers

  4. K在群上函数空间的本征函数就是群G不可约矩阵元的复共轭。

    The eigenfunctions of CSCO & ⅲ in the space of functions on the group are the complex conjugate of the IR matrix elements of group G.

  5. 用调Q脉冲YAG:Nd激光的倍频辐射作激励光,对多模玻璃光纤中的背向受激布里渊散射(BSBS)的位相复共轭图象再现进行了初步的实验研究。

    The image reconstruction of phase conjugation by BSBS in a multimode optical tiber has been studied experimentally .

  6. 光纤中BSBS位相复共轭图像再现

    Image reconstruction of phase conjugation by BSBS in an optical fiber

  7. 方法利用量子力学中的态叠加原理,构造了由多模泛函偶相干态和多模泛函复共轭偶相干态线性叠加组成的一类典型的多模泛函叠加态光场ψ2e(fj)〉q;

    Methods Based on the superposition theory in quantum Mechanics , a typical kind of multimode functional superposition state light field is structured which is composed of multimode functional even coherent state and multimode functional complex conjugation even coherent state .

  8. 构造了由多模泛函相干态、多模复共轭泛函相干态以及它们的相反态等几率线性叠加构成的多模泛函叠加态光场│Ψ(4)(fj)q〉。

    It is constructed that the four-state superposition multimode functional superposition state light-field │Ψ( fj )〉 q composed of the multimode functional coherent state the multimode complex conjugate functional coherent state and their contrary states by equal probability according to the superposition principle of quantum state in quantum mechanics .

  9. 本文研究了苯的前向受激喇曼散射位相特性。实验表明苯的前向受激喇曼散射与后向散射一样,具有位相复共轭特性。

    The forward SRS phase conjugation of benzene has been studied .

  10. 研究了后向反射波的位相复共轭特性。

    The phase conjugate behaviours of the backward wave have been demonstrated .

  11. 四波混频前向波位相复共轭特性研究

    Investigation of the Forward Phase-Conjugated Wave of Four-Wave Mixing

  12. 有机染料溶液中简并的四波混频高阶前向复共轭波

    High order forward conjugation wave of degenerate four wave mixing in organic solution

  13. 复共轭回转面的理论及其应用

    The theory and application of the re-conjugate rotational surface

  14. 受激布里渊后向散射波的位相复共轭特性

    Phase conjugation characteristics of backward stimulated Brillouin scattering waves

  15. 由直接位相复共轭得到了高质量的再现象。

    Good-quality reconstructed images have been obtained by direct wave - front phase conjugation .

  16. 一种基于高阶累积量的复共轭四阶系统辨识方法

    Identification of the Fourth-Order System with Two Pairs of Conjugate Poles Based on Higher-Order Cumulants

  17. 讨论了受激喇曼后向波位相复共轭散射波产生的条件。

    The conditions for generating the phase conjugation in Stimulated Raman Scattering backward-wave are discussed .

  18. 受激喇曼前向散射位相复共轭特性研究

    Study of the forward SRS phase conjugation

  19. 带两个位移和复共轭的广义联结问题

    On the generalized connected problem with two carleman 's shifts and complex conjugate of analytic functions

  20. 本文论证了非线性耦合前向波的位相复共轭特性。

    In this paper , the phase conjugate nature of the nonlinear coupling forward wave has been demonstrated .

  21. 跟转置矩阵记号相联系的是它的复共轭矩阵,物理学家称之为伴矩阵。

    Associated with the notion of the transposed matrix is its complex conjugatx known to physicists as the adjoint matric .

  22. 最后还研究了双光子四波混频位相复共轭反射率的双稳态及多稳态。

    Finally , the phase-conjugated reflectivity by two-photon four-wave mixing is also shown to exhibit multistability as well as hysteresis .

  23. 本文评述了非线性位相复共轭光学,特别是简并的四波混频的工作原理、发展动向及可能的应用。

    In this paper the principles , prospects and potential applications of phase conjugate optics , in particular degenerate four-wave mixing , are reviewed .

  24. 本文研究了近共振增强的四能级系统有机染料溶液中简并的四波混频后向波和前向波的位相复共轭特性。

    Phase conjugation of backward-and forward-wave produced by degenerate four-wave mixing using a nearly resonantly enhanced nonlinearity in four-level organic dye solutions was investigated .

  25. 本文报道在叶绿素溶液中用简并的四波混频得到位相复共轭后向反射波的首次实验。

    In this paper , the first experiment of generating the phase conjugated backward wave by degenerate four-wave mixing in chlorophyll solution is reported .

  26. 在泵浦波强度恒定的情况下,入射物波强度与复共轭反射波强度成线性关系。

    The intensity of the complex conjugate reflected wave is proportional to that of the incident object wave as we kept the pumping beam intensity constant .

  27. 同时说明多模复共轭奇、偶相干态光场确实是两种典型的多模非经典光场。

    Therefore , the above mentioned illustrates that the multi-mode complex conjugation odd - and even-coherent state light fields are really two types of multi-mode non-classical light field .

  28. 利用多模压缩态理论进一步研究了多模复共轭奇、偶相干态光场的广义非线性等幂次高次差压缩特性。

    Applying the theory of multi-mode squeezing state , the properties of the generalized nonlinear equal-power difference squeezing of the multi-mode complex conjugation odd - and even-coherent state light field are further studied in detail .

  29. 算法假设退化系统的点扩散函数具有圆对称性,并考虑图像的频域具有复共轭对称性,在频域里建立了新的优化判据;

    Assuming that the point spread function ( PSF ) is circular symmetry and considering that the image is actually complex conjugate symmetry in frequency domain , authors establish a new cost function in frequency domain .

  30. 数值例子表明,该方法可比常规ICCG法(或PCBCG,即预处理复双共轭梯度法)减少30%~50%的计算时间。

    Numerical examples show that the method can reduce the computation time by 30 % ~ 50 % than the ICCG ( or PCBCG ) method .