
  • 网络Composite aluminum plate;Aluminum Composite Panel;ACP
  1. 复合铝板幕墙的制作与安装

    The Making and Installation for Composite Aluminium Plate Curtain Wall

  2. 复合铝板干挂石材幕墙外墙外保温技术

    The heat preservation technologies of outside wall of the composite aluminum plate curtail walls and stone curtail walls by dry hanging

  3. 本工程金属屋面设计采用铝合金板直立锁边系统,采用蜂窝复合铝板作为装饰层;

    The aluminum standing seam system is applied for design of metal roof of the project , and honeycomb composite aluminum plate is used as the decorating layer .

  4. 介绍了高层建筑复合铝板幕墙、干挂石材幕墙外墙外保温技术的施工、质量要求及应用效果。

    The construction , the quality requirements and application conclusions of the heat preservation technologies of outside walls of composite aluminum plate curtail walls and stone curtail walls by dry hanging are introduced in this paper .

  5. 介绍了复合铝板幕墙的功能,幕墙板和骨架的制作及安装以及汕头国际会展中心采用复合铝板幕墙的应用情况。

    The paper introduces the function of composite aluminium plate curtain wall , making and installation of curtain wall plate and its framework and the application of composite aluminium plate in International Exhibition Center in Shantou .

  6. 复合花纹铝板适用于小型设备、装置、罐体保温外保护;

    It can be used for the jacketing of the small equipments , instruments and tanks ;

  7. 将牛皮纸复合在铝板上,有效避免了(微量)潮气与铝板直接接触,防止了铝板的氧化。

    Compound the kraft paper at the aluminum board to prevent from moisture so to protect the aluminum board from oxidize .

  8. 利用弹塑性大变形更新的Lagrange有限元法对于复合成形中铝板成形过程进行了数值模拟。

    The updated elastic-plastic Lagrange finite element formulation was used to simulate the forming process of the aluminum sheet .

  9. 关于提高复合材料中铝板基表面活性的研究

    On Increasing Surface Activity of Aluminum Plate Base in the Composite Materials

  10. 复合花纹瓦楞铝板适用于大型罐体保温的外保护;

    It can be used for the jacketing of the big tanks ;

  11. 光纤光栅监测缠绕复合材料与铝板界面的固化应变

    Monitoring of cure strain on the interface between filament wound composites and aluminum plate using FBG

  12. 提高铝塑复合板用铝板弯曲性能的途径

    The Ways of Improving the Bending Performance of Aluminium Plate for Aluminium - plastic Composite Board

  13. 非平底凹模铝板/塑料复合成形中铝板大塑性变形分析

    Deformation analysis of heavily strained zones in forming of aluminum sheet via plastics injection molding with mold of non-flat bottom

  14. 铝塑复合板常用铝板带材选择与检验防雷接地系统施工质量通病及其控制

    The Choose & Inspect of the Belt Materials of Aluminum-Plastic Composite Panel Common Quality Fault and Inspect Point of Grounding

  15. 埋入光纤光栅传感器实时监测纤维缠绕单向板的固化过程,以及复合材料和铝板之间界面的固化应变。

    FBG sensors were embedded to monitor the cure of filament wound unidirectional laminate and the strain between composite and aluminum plate .

  16. 传统的生产铝塑复合板用铝板基的方法是采用金属铸锭重熔及热轧冷轧等多道序工艺,生产过程繁琐、生产效率低、浪费能源。

    The traditional production of aluminum substrate is hot-rolled metal ingot remelting and other multi-channel order process , but the production process cumbersome , inefficiency and wasting energy .

  17. 基于光纤光栅传感器监测了复合材料和铝板的共固化过程,受温度载荷影响下的变形过程,为两种不同材料共同使用提供了实验数据基础。

    Experimental data was provided for different materials in common use by FBG sensor-based monitoring common cure of composites and aluminum plate and deformation process under temperature load .

  18. 近年来,随着铝板带生产技术的进步,生产铝塑复合板用铝板基逐渐采用电解铝液直接铸轧的短流程生产工艺。

    In recent years , as cast-rolling technology advances , the increasing use of electrolytic aluminum liquid direct cast-rolling in aluminum substrate production with short casting production process is replacing the traditional method .

  19. 由于复合材料和铝板的热力学性能不同,在固化过程中复合材料内部与界面之间存在着差异,在固化过程后期会出现分离的现象,释放一部分热应力。

    Due to different mechanical property of composite and aluminum , the inner and interface of composite is different during the cure and in the final time of cure detachment arises and some quantity of heat deliveries .

  20. 将光纤光栅埋入复合材料与铝板的胶接件,复合材料外表面和铝板外表面粘贴光栅,在温度载荷下监测三处界面的应变变化历程,并与数值模拟结果进行了对比。

    Embedding a FBG into composites and stick two FBGs on the surface of composite , under the temperature course , the strains of the three interfaces were monitored . The results of monitoring and numerical simulation were compared .

  21. 对比了不同材料、不同生产工艺对铝塑复合板用铝板弯曲性能的影响,通过生产实践找到了提高铝塑复合板弯曲性能的最佳材料和生产工艺。

    By Comparing the effects of different materials and production technologies on the bending performance of aluminium plates used in aluminium-plastic composite boards , the author found out the optimum materials and production technologies favourable for improving the bending performance of aluminium-plastic board .