
  • 网络polysulfide sealant
  1. 用水溶性聚氨脂灌浆,双组分聚硫密封胶填注伸缩缝处理取得了很好的效果。

    By adopting water-soluble polyurethane grouting technique of filling the expansion joint with two-component polysulfide sealant , the leakage has been effectively controlled .

  2. 试验发现,环氧树脂对聚硫密封胶的多项性能都有不同程度的影响。

    It was found in this experiment that the epoxy resin had the varying degree influence to the several properties of polysulfide sealant .

  3. 主要阐述了聚硫密封胶的构成、生产工艺、固化机理、性能特点及应用情况。

    This article introduced mainly the composition , the production process , the curing mechanism , the characteristics and the application situation of the polysulfide sealant .

  4. 介绍了JC/T483《聚硫建筑密封胶》修订的背景、依据的原则,对主要修订的内容做了说明和解释。

    The article briefs background and criteria for revision of JC / T 483 《 polysulfide building sealant 》 and explains some contents revised .

  5. 本文主要介绍了聚硫中空玻璃密封胶的构成、固化机理、制备方法,适用期对聚硫中空玻璃密封胶施工性能的影响,以及温湿度、B组分的用量对其硫化性能的影响。

    Composition , curing mechanism , preparation of the sealant for polysulfide hollow glass , effects of pot life onits application property and effects of temperature , humidity , dosage of component B on its curability were presented .

  6. 聚硫中空玻璃密封胶硫化性能的研究

    Study of Curing Property of Sealant for Polysulfide Hollow Glass

  7. 聚硫中空玻璃密封胶的性能及生产工艺

    Properties and Production Process of Insulating Glass Polysulfide Sealants