
  • 网络polypyrrole;PPY
  1. 该方法合成的钛/聚吡咯涂层与钛相比其水接触角较大(P0.05),表面能较小。

    The resultant PPy coating possesses greater water contact angle and lower surface energy compared to uncoated Ti ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 聚吡咯(PPy)纳米管和分子导线对纳米器件和分子器件的制造起着关键作用。

    PPy nano-tubes and nano-devices play a key role in manufacturing molecular wires and molecular device .

  3. 阳离子型聚吡咯的合成及其在DNA检测的应用

    Synthesis of Cationic Polypyrrole and Applications for DNA Detection

  4. 电化聚合聚吡咯的角分布X射线光电子能谱研究

    Angular dependent XPS studies on polypyrrole films prepared by electrochemical polymerization

  5. N取代液晶聚吡咯在摩擦力的作用下还可以诱发单轴取向。

    Uniaxial orientation of LC N substituted polypyrrole can be formed by a friction technique .

  6. 基于聚吡咯的基因电子学:电化学DNA生物传感器

    Polypyrrole-based Genolelectronics : Electrochemical DNA Biosensors

  7. 聚吡咯对Cu(II)的催化还原作用

    Catalytic Reduction of Cu ( II ) by Polypyrrole

  8. 聚吡咯薄膜在超临界CO2与离子液体两相体系中的电化学合成

    Electrochemical Synthesis of Polypyrrole Thin Film in Supercritical CO_2 / Ionic Liquid Biphase System

  9. 导电聚吡咯/聚苯胺复合材料的SEM研究

    SEM study on the composite of polypyrrole / polyaniline microtubules

  10. V2O5干凝胶及水溶性聚吡咯/V2O5纳米复合材料的研究

    Study on V _2O_5 Xerogel and Water-Soluble Polypyrrole / V _2O_5 Nanocomposite Materials

  11. 结合前面制备的聚吡咯电化学DNA传感器,可实现DNA杂交的无标记检测,检测具有较好的灵敏度。

    By combining the polypyrrole electrochemical DNA biosensor mentioned above , label free DNA detection with a satisfied sensitivity could be achieved .

  12. Fe3O4/聚吡咯复合材料的制备及表征

    Preparation and characterization of fe_3o_4 / polypyrrole ( ppy ) Composites

  13. Fe~(3+)取代Dawson型磷钨杂多酸掺杂聚吡咯H2O2传感器的研制

    Preparation of Iron (ⅲ) & substited Dawson-type Tungstophosphate Anion Doped Polypyrrole Film-based H_2O_2 Sensor

  14. 电化学聚合合成了聚吡咯膜,构建了以铂丝为基体的电位型聚吡咯(PPy)pH传感器。

    A pH sensor was fabricated from polypyrrole ( PPy ) on Pt wire .

  15. 太阳光下聚吡咯敏化TiO2复合微粒的光催化性能

    Photocatalytic Activity of Polypyrrole Sensitized TiO_2 Composites under Solar Light

  16. 纳米Fe3O4-聚吡咯的相互作用

    Interaction of fe_3o_4 nanoparticles and Polypyrrole

  17. 结论:常规培养条件下的大鼠肺Ⅱ型细胞在体外生长时间约2~3d,导电聚吡咯膜可以将肺Ⅱ型细胞体外生长时间延长至5d。

    Conclusion The conductive polypyrrole prolonged the living time of pulmonary cells cultured in vitro to 3 ~ 5 d.

  18. 采用铬酸刻蚀和化学气相沉积聚吡咯处理了超高相对分子质量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)纤维。

    UHMWPE fiber were treated by chromic acid etching and chemical vapor depositing polypyrrole ( PPy ) .

  19. 发现:随着聚吡咯含量的增加,聚乙烯的Tcc上升。

    It was found that the Tcc of polyethylene is augmented with increase of polypyrrole .

  20. ssDNA掺杂下聚吡咯薄膜增长及其电化学微致动行为

    The Growth and Micro-actuating Behavior of Polypyrrole Films Doped with ssDNA

  21. 在碳纳米管(CNT)基体上用化学聚合或电化学聚合方法沉积聚吡咯(PPy)制得复合材料。

    Carbon nanotube-polypyrrole composite was prepared by polymerizing polypyrrole onto carbon nanotubes with chemical or electrochemical methods .

  22. 单缺位Dawson型磷钨杂多酸掺杂聚吡咯的过氧化氢传感器研究

    Study of Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor Based on Doped Polypyrrole Film With Single Lacunary Dawson-type Tungstophosphate

  23. 化学氧化法制备了聚吡咯(PPy),并进行了元素分析、TG-DTA分析、FTIR测试。

    Polypyrrole ( PPy ) was prepared by chemical oxidation polymerization and characterized by elemental analysis , TG-DTA and FTIR .

  24. 本论文主要研究聚吡咯(PPY)在固体铝电解电容器中的应用。

    The application of polypyrrole ( PPY ) for solid electrolytic capacitor is focused in this paper .

  25. 利用磷酸盐缓冲溶液中吡咯的电聚合,将葡萄糖氧化酶(GOD)包埋在聚吡咯(PPy)基质中以构成生物功能电极。

    By electrochemical polymerization of pyrrole in phosphate buffer , glucose oxidase ( GOD ) was entrapped in polypyrrole matrix ( PPy ) to construct the enzyme electrode .

  26. 采用现场化学氧化聚合方法,制得性能优良的粉末状聚吡咯(PPY)-氯化聚乙烯(CPE)导电材料。

    Powder Conductive composites of polypyrrole-chlorinated polyethylene ( CPE ) with excellent properties was prepared through chemical oxidative polymerization in situ .

  27. 以亚甲蓝溶液和聚吡咯薄膜修饰电极的现场ESR研究为例,对该电解池的性能进行了考察。

    Taking the in situ ESR investigation of methylene blue solution and polypyrrole film modified electrode as examples , the characteristics of the cell has been examined .

  28. 通过研究发现,Fe(NO3)3的浓度会对聚吡咯纳米管的尺寸造成影响,而搅拌时间长短也会影响所得到的纳米管形状。

    It was found that the concentration of Fe ( NO3 ) 3 affected the dimension of the polypyrrole nanotubes and the stirring time would determine their morphology .

  29. 过渡金属一取代Keggin结构钼磷酸盐掺杂的聚吡咯的制备、表征与导电性研究

    Preparation , Characterization and Conductivity of Polypyrrole Doped with the Transition Metal Substituted Phosphomolybdates with Keggin Structure

  30. 用电化学方法制备了分别以对甲基苯磺酸根(TOS-),高氯酸根(ClO4-)和氯离子(Cl-)掺杂的聚吡咯(PPy)膜。

    Conducting polypyrrole films ( PPy ) doped with p-toluenesulfonate ( TOS - ), ClO-4 , and Cl-were electro-chemically prepared , respectively .