
  • 网络Guide;signage;indicator;indices
  1. 形象清晰的动脉指示标记和尺寸适用范围标识确保正确的血压测量。

    The visual clear artery indicator label and index range help determine the proper size cuff for each patient and ensure correct blood pressure measurement .

  2. 移动镜头筒式距离设置超过红外线指示标记位置,并按照胶卷说明书,设置曝光。

    Shift that distance setting over to the red infrared index mark . Set the exposure in accordance with instructions for the film .

  3. 在分水岭算法的基础上,由用户交互提供分割的指示标记,完成网格曲面分割。

    Based on watersheds algorithm , the method completes the segmentation using interactive markers as indicators , thus over-segmentation and noising problems were avoided .

  4. 该指示应当标记在产品上,直到完成最终处置,由质量保证主管、经理或总监验收为止。

    The indicator remains on the product until such time as final disposition has been carried out and accepted by the quality assurance supervisor , manager or director .

  5. 例如,如果写入PDF文档,那么应用程序标记可设置为用来指示特殊PDF标记的值。

    For example , if a PDF document is written , the application tag could be set to a value indicating a special PDF tag .

  6. 这些探测器特别被设计成与指示癌症的生物标记物(如突变的RNA)结合。

    These probes are specifically designed to bond to biomarkers that indicate cancer such as mutated RNA .

  7. 这种称呼语的语用功能,比如其社会指示功能,礼貌标记功能,及在会话结构的分析中所起到的作用对于语言学和文学研究的结合有着重要的意义。

    Those pragmatic functions of form of address , such as its social deictic function , the politeness markedness function , and its essential functions in the conversational analysis have attached much more significance to literature and linguistics as well .