
zhǐ jiān
  • fingertip
指尖 [zhǐ jiān]
  • [fingertip] 手指的尖部

指尖[zhǐ jiān]
  1. 基于指尖力传感器的HIT机器人灵巧手笛卡尔阻抗控制

    Cartesian impedance control for HIT dexterous robot hand based on fingertip force sensor

  2. 在前面实验的基础上,采用PID控制策略完成了指尖力反馈闭环实验。

    Based on the above experiments , fingertip force feedback closed-loop experiments with PID controller are studied .

  3. 袖子遮住了他的手,一直盖到指尖。

    The sleeves covered his hands to the tips of his fingers

  4. 他盯着她指尖的涡纹和流纹。

    He stared at the whorls and lines of her fingertips .

  5. 我的指尖有针刺的感觉。

    I had pins and needles in the tips of my fingers .

  6. 他能感到指尖正在变得麻木。

    He could feel his fingers growing numb at their tips

  7. 里特伸出左手,在指尖上沾上印油。

    Ritter took his left hand and inked the fingertips .

  8. 她感到指尖有什么黏糊糊的恶心东西。

    She could feel something icky on her fingers .

  9. 像做油酥面团那样用指尖把脂油和面粉揉搓到一起。

    The fat and flour are rubbed together with the fingertips as for pastry .

  10. 他同时轻轻地叩击着几根指尖。

    He tapped the ends of his fingers together

  11. 就剩下我用指尖扒着悬空在几百英尺高的地方。

    I was left hanging by my fingertips over a drop of hundreds of feet .

  12. 莉莲用指尖碰他的脸颊。他挣开了说,“不要这样!”

    Lillian brushed his cheek with her fingertips . He pulled away and said , ' Don 't ! '

  13. 如今,我们指尖上的各种沟通选择对于便利性和效率是有好处的——同时却非常令人烦恼。

    The various communication options at our fingertips today can be good for convenience and productivity — and at the same time very troublesome .

  14. 尽管鸽子只有一个不大于你食指尖大小的脑子,它们却有着非常惊人的视觉记忆。

    Despite having a brain no bigger than the   tip   of your index finger , pigeons have a very impressive   visual memory .

  15. 它站在一旁,我优雅的舞蹈指导,并祝福每个指尖与脚尖

    It'stands aside , my choreographer of grace , and blesses each finger and toe .

  16. 把你的指尖顶在他的肩膀处并说“Back”。

    Use your fingertips in his shoulder point while you say " BACK " .

  17. 介绍了基于5维指尖力/力矩传感器的HIT机器人灵巧手的笛卡尔阻抗控制。

    A Cartesian impedance control for the HIT dexterous robot hand based on 5-dimension fingertip force / torque sensor is presented .

  18. 主手的位置控制采用传统的PD控制,指尖接触力控制采用非线性的PI控制。

    Traditional PD control is adopted to achieve position control and contact force control of finger is completed by using Non-linear PI control .

  19. 指尖3D定位问题被建模为计算手势平面与指尖成像直线的交点,解决了指尖区域深度数据缺失情况下的定位问题。

    The fingertip location in 3D space is formulated as computing the intersection point of the hand plane and the fingertip projection line to handle the location error due to missed depth data .

  20. 测定指标包括空腹指尖血糖、空腹静脉血浆血糖、餐后2h指尖血糖、餐后2h静脉血浆血糖和HbA1c等。

    Fasting finger point blood glucose , 2 h postprandial blood glucose , fasting plasma glucose , 2 h postprandial blood plasma glucose and HbA1c were measured .

  21. 同一年发表在《应用微生物学期刊》(JournalofAppliedMicrobiology)上的一项研究报告警告称,大约20%到30%的病菌能够轻易地从指尖传到玻璃表面,比如手机触屏之上。

    A study published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology the same year warned that some 20 to 30 % of viruses can be readily transferred from a fingertip to a glass surface , like that on a touch screen .

  22. 每个手指指尖的输出力从10N增加到了30N。

    Also the output force at fingertip is increased from 10 N to 30 N.

  23. PTCA组治疗前、治疗后指尖脉搏图波幅均高于PMR组(P<0.001);

    The amplitude of finger tip pulse monograph in group of PTCA was higher than of PMR before and after procedures ( P < 0.001 ) .

  24. 本文借助于ANSYS软件建立了指尖密封性能有限元分析的参数化模型,对指尖密封系统进行有限元仿真分析,提出了表征指尖密封封严性能和使用寿命的数学指标。

    Parametric models of finger seal ( FS ) for finite element analysis ( FEA ) have been constructed in ANSYS software in this paper . Through analysis , optimization objects for finger seal 's hysteresis performance and stiffness performance are proposed .

  25. 为估计麻醉对体温调节反应的影响,作者应用皮肤温差级数(前臂指尖温差)及食道温度监测方法对40例ASA分级ⅠⅡ级行胃癌根治术的病人进行了观察。

    To test anesthetic effects on thermoregulation , the authors measured skin-surface temperature gradients ( forearm temperature fingertip temperature ) and esophageal temperature on 40 patients , ASA physical Status ⅰ ⅱ, undergoing . radial operation of gastric Cancer .

  26. 首先将各指尖上的永磁体建模为磁偶极子并分析了系统采用该模型的合理性,然后利用该模型设计了一种基于最小平方(LS)准则和优化算法的指尖定位和定向算法。

    First , a dipole model of the magnet marker is investigated and the properties of this model are studied . Then , the dipole model is applied to the localization of fingertips using a least squares ( LS ) dipole fitting method .

  27. 肯德基的香港区负责人JohnKoay说,这个创意是想“让所有感觉流连于指尖”。我们只想说:别这样,肯德基,别,这,样。

    John Koay , who heads up KFC 's Hong Kong marketing , described the impulse behind the campaign , saying , " It made total sense to be at the end of everyone 's fingertips . " To which we say : Not like this , KFC . NOT . LIKE . THIS .

  28. 方法:取患者指尖血20μl双份于两管,一管为测定管,另一管为对照管,用MEK&6318K血细胞分析仪测定。

    Method : Taking a sample of finger-tip blood with two tubes respectively , one being testing tube and the other contrast tube , and testing them with MEK-6318K hemocyte analyzer .

  29. 实验高速纹影图像和压力测试记录结果表明变形Tulip火焰传播可分为五个动力学阶段,即球形火焰、指尖形火焰、接触壁面火焰、Tulip火焰和变形Tulip火焰。

    The schlieren images and the pressure records show that the distorted tulip flame propagation can be divided into five stages of dynamics , i.e. spherical flame , finger-shape flame , flame touching the sidewalls , tulip flame and distorted tulip flame .

  30. 而且它还在发展:周二,表情符号标准化机构UnicodeConsortium将发布72个新符号,它们将很快出现在我们的指尖,包括一颗黑心、一朵枯萎的花朵以及一个怀孕的女人。

    And it 's growing : On Tuesday , the Unicode Consortium , the body that standardizes emoji , will release 72 new ones that will soon make their way to our fingertips , including a black heart , a wilted flower and a pregnant woman .