
fú zhí
  • Support;foster;prop up
扶植 [fú zhí]
  • [foster;prop up] 扶持培养;扶助培植

  • 扶植新生力量

扶植[fú zhí]
  1. EBID承诺在UNCTAD的支持下扶植公私合作的伙伴关系,并为生物燃料的农业和工业生产提供资助。

    EBID pledged to foster private-public partnerships , with support from UNCTAD , and to finance agricultural and industrial production for biofuels .

  2. 对页岩油的生产采取扶植政策;

    Policy should be promulgated to foster the production of shale ;

  3. 它没有告诉我们,应该象爱护阳春初绽的花蕾那样,去精心培育扶植那些革新闯将。

    It doesn 't tell us to nourish product champions like the first buds in springtime .

  4. 我们这一辈电影人是在父辈的扶植下成长起来的,现在也到了我们把经验交给下一代的时候。

    When I was young I received much help from the older generation of film people . Now , it 's time for us to nurture3 the next generation .

  5. 然后,根据前面的分析结果,对政府相关部门应该如何正确扶植CMM等级认证提出了建议。

    Then based on the conclusion , the advices for government how to guide the CMM authentication are given .

  6. 具有讽刺意味的是,中国等国家渴望扶植能与苹果(Apple)和通用电气等公司媲美的企业,将全球制造与高水平的研发及对本国市场的资本投资结合起来。

    The irony is that countries such as China yearn to cultivate equivalents of Apple , GE and other companies that combine global manufacturing with a high level of research and development , and capital investment in their domestic markets .

  7. 根据SWOT框架的分析,本土基金具有熟悉国情、政府扶植等多方面的优势,但同时也在运作的规范性、投资理念的科学性等诸多方面具有劣势;

    Based on the frame of SWOT analysis , domestic funds own the advantages of their familiarity with the domestic market and the help of the government , but also have the disadvantages on standard methods on investment and management .

  8. 奇怪的是,教育界两个景象迥异的学校垂柳依依的剑桥和建筑前卫的UEL都是政府扶植的对象。

    Curiously , both images of education-the weeping willows of Cambridge and the futuristic architecture of UEL-are cherished by the government .

  9. 乳杆菌DM9811代谢产物脂肪酸组分提取液制成的含漱液主要成分为短链脂肪酸,其酸性环境有利于抑制厌氧菌,扶植有益菌。

    The chief ingredient in mouthwash made from metabolics of Lactobacillus DM9811 metabolite fatty acid is short chain fatty acid , which is good at restraining anaerobe , cultivating health bacteria .

  10. 扶植产权交易信息中介的发展;

    The information media in property rights exchange must be supported ;

  11. 扶植环境保护产业的发展。

    The development of the environmental protection industry has been fostered .

  12. 对国内体育产业,政策上予以倾斜,加大扶植;

    Policies should be directed to the Chinese sports industry .

  13. 我帮着扶植和废黜了总统们。

    And I have helped make presidents and unmake them .

  14. 二是其产业政策是产业的重点扶植政策;

    The second , the industrial policy is industrial emphasis fostering policy ;

  15. 并经由历代政府的扶植、推崇以及诸朝名家先贤的继承和发扬,最终发展成为半岛上妇孺皆知的思想。

    Fostered by every dynasty government , praised , inherit and develop .

  16. 那种局面迫使军方介入,扶植起一个看守政府。

    That compelled the military to intervene , installing a caretaker government .

  17. 扶植民营企业作为对俄投资的主体;

    Prop up private businesses as the main body of investing in Russia ;

  18. 这项工程必须在它最初的几个月里得到扶植。

    The project will have to be nursed through its first few months .

  19. 帮助扶植自由政府的理想主义工作

    The idealistic work of helping raise up free governments

  20. 扶植菲迪克条款的原则在高速公路建设监理中健康成长

    The Application of FIDIC Clause to Expressway Construction Supervision

  21. 从现实出发,对我国保险产业进行适当保护和大力扶植,应该是我们的明智选择。

    Be realistic , its wise of us to protect and support it .

  22. 美国中小企业技术创新扶植政策研究

    Study on American Policy of Fostering Technical Innovation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise

  23. 必须支援和扶植海外华文教育。

    We must support and foster overseas Chinese education .

  24. 莫里斯的目的在于扶植一种能恢复手工艺工人威望的艺术。

    Morris intended to foster an art restoring the dignity of the craftsman .

  25. 我们的三军情报局实质上扶植了塔利班。

    Our own intelligence service , ISI , had virtually created the Taliban .

  26. 美国扶植与日本经济的崛起

    American Support and the Rise of Japanese Economy

  27. 二是实施倾斜政策,优先扶植名牌商品和名牌企业;

    Second , take preferential policy to build up famous brand goods and enierprises ;

  28. 通过经济手段,扶植绿色采购发展。

    Fostering the development of the green purchase by the means of economic measures .

  29. 由侵略者扶植起来的一个傀儡。

    A puppet fetched up by the aggressors .

  30. 不少国家和地区都把这一产业作为战略产业和支柱产业来扶植。

    Many countries and regions are supporting it as strategic industries and pillaring industries .