
fú tī
  • Escalator;ladder;staircase
扶梯 [fú tī]
  • (1) [staircase]∶楼梯边带有扶手护栏

  • (2) [ladder] 〈方〉∶登高用梯

扶梯[fú tī]
  1. Ellery的男友,GarethBowen决定给这只体弱受损的猫咪做一个螺旋的扶梯,这样它就能顺着扶梯一步步翻过栅栏,而不是像过去像一个超人神猫一样跳跃几下就能翻过去。

    That 's when Ellery 's boyfriend , Gareth Bowen decided to build a spiral staircase for the impaired cat which allows him to scale the fence in steps instead of leaping it a single bound like a feline Superman .

  2. 唯一的普通之处就是一侧的扶梯。

    The only right side up feature is the staircase .

  3. 我挤出人群,踏上了自动扶梯。

    I pushed through the crowds and on to the escalator

  4. 城市里,只有当有人在自动扶梯上时,自动扶梯才会运转。办公室和学校都将与该系统相连。

    Around   the   city ,   escalator swill   only move   when   someone   is   on   them ,   and   offices   and   schools   will   all   be   connected   to   the   system .

  5. 因为这些“扶梯堵路者”,很多人会错过地铁列车。这种可悲的“流行病”该改改了。

    The number of trains missed due to escalefters is horrifyingly must be stopped .

  6. 自动扶梯上人不少,但却有人站在扶梯左侧不动,堵住想疾行上下的人的去路。

    Escalefter is a person who stands on the left side of a busy escalator , thus blocking those who would walk up or down .

  7. 该站在扶梯右侧,却站在左侧的人就如同路上的“减速带”,减缓了地铁的通行量。

    People who stand to the left instead of standing to the right are like speed bumps , and they slow down the pedestrian flow through the stations .

  8. 从B出口下地下,直行然后乘向下的扶梯。

    Step downstairs from Exit B , go straight and take the escalator downstairs .

  9. 基于PLC及变频器的自动扶梯调速系统

    Escalator Speed Control System Based on PLC and Frequency Converter

  10. 基于PLC的自动扶梯多功能变频节能控制系统设计

    Design of Escalator Multi-frequency Energy-saving Control System Based on PLC

  11. 旋转扶梯石材贴面CAD的研究

    Research on CAD of the stone slice used on the handrail of eddied ladder

  12. Tom现在每天爬扶梯锻炼身体,以及找邻院的猫咪玩。

    Tom mounts the stairs daily to exercise and socialize with the neighborhood cats .

  13. 本条第(2)款第(b)项所规定的扶梯,应有适当的长度,并须相当坚牢稳固。

    The ladders specified in paragraph ( 2 )( b ) of this Article shall be of adequate length and strength , and properly secured .

  14. 自动扶梯控制系统的发展主要经历了三个阶段:继电器控制阶段、PLC控制阶段和微机控制阶段,现在微机控制已成为控制系统的发展趋势。

    It has gone through three main stages : relays control stage , PLC control stage and Micro-computer control stage .

  15. 双CPU扶梯控制器的设计

    Escalator Control With TWO CPUs

  16. 本文基于PLC控制器与变频器,提出了一种简单易行的自动扶梯节能方法。

    This paper is based of PLC controller and frequency converter , and puts forward an easy energy-saving method of escalator .

  17. 利用ANSYS的高级结构分析功能,对扶梯结构做了最优化分析,并得出最佳截面参数。

    By using the advanced function of ANSYS , the best optimum analysis is made and the best section parameter comes out .

  18. 基于ANSYS的自动扶梯金属骨架强度分析及优化设计特种不锈钢骨架,强度高,弹性好。

    The Analysis and Optimization of the Escalator 's Truss Based on ANSYS This particular stainless steel structure provides extra strength and elasticity .

  19. 本实用新型提供一种功能齐全、配线简单、具备故障码验知、记录等功能的电扶梯PCB控制装置。

    The utility model provides an elevator PCB control device with simple wiring and full functions of fault code detection and recording , etc.

  20. 他指出,维多利亚时代的露天游乐场帮助人们接受了工业革命的机械文化,当时很多人仍害怕新建伦敦地铁(LondonUnderground)的自动扶梯。

    He notes that Victorian-era fairground rides helped people come to terms with the mechanical culture of the industrial revolution at a time when many were still terrified of the escalators on the new London Underground .

  21. MARTA的垂直运输系统包括112台电梯和149部手动扶梯,主要分布在38个运输站点,以及其它支持设施里。

    MARTA 's vertical transportation system consists of112 elevators and149 escalators primarily located at38 transit stations , as well as other support facilities .

  22. 在上海K11的扶梯顶端,达米安·赫斯特(DamienHirst)的无头裸体孕妇雕塑在欢迎顾客们。

    At the top of an escalator at the Shanghai mall , a Damien Hirst sculpture of a naked , headless pregnant woman greets shoppers .

  23. 老照片和明信片:再绕个路,乘坐向上的扶梯去王妃市场拜访“飞利浦·罗尔特”(PhilippeRault),这家店就在市场大门内。

    Old postcards and photographs : Take another detour up an escalator to the March é Dauphine and call on Philippe Rault just inside the entrance .

  24. 接着几分钟后,我和Haein走了一圈,从自动扶梯上下来了。

    Anyway after a few minutes I was walking around with Haein and we went down the escalator .

  25. 学员们在课上面临着一系列的挑战:如何处理从乳酪火锅中滴下的乳酪?在餐桌上什么话题适合闲谈?在自动扶梯上应站在哪个位置?LouisVuitton如何发音?

    Women taking her course face a series of challenges : how to handle the dripping cheese of a fondue course , what kinds of topics work for small talk around the table , where to stand on the escalator , how to pronounce Louis Vuitton .

  26. 此次试行时间长达六个月。伦敦交通局(TfL)希望新规能最大化地利用长扶梯上被浪费掉的空间,因为大多数人总是选择站在右边。

    Transport for London ( TfL ) hopes the new standing formation , which this time will be tested for six months , will make the most of wasted space on longer escalators , where most people choose to wait on the right .

  27. 输入自动扶梯段上的踏板数。

    Enter the number of treads for the escalator flight run .

  28. 链轮主轴是自动扶梯的重要传动元件。

    Sprocket spindle is an important transmission component for an escalator .

  29. 那少女匆匆走下扶梯,投入她的怀抱。

    The girl rushed down the steps and into her arms .

  30. 自动扶梯也能让你步行更简单。

    And the escalators can make your walk easy , too .