首页 / 词典 / good

  • Help;hold up;support with the hand;lend support to;help sb. up
  • 搀,用手支持人或物,使不倒:搀~。~正。~老携幼。

  • 帮助,援助:~养。~植。~危济困。

  • 用手按着或把持着:~梯。沙发~手。

  • 姓。


(用手支持不倒下) hold up; support with the hand:

  • 扶床而立

    stand leaning on bed;

  • 扶杖

    lean on a stick


(用手帮助躺着或倒下的人起来; 用手使倒伏物竖直) help sb. up; lend support to; straighten sth. up:

  • 扶起伤员

    help the wounded up;

  • 扶苗

    straighten up the seedlings


(扶助) help; carry from under:

  • 扶危

    help those in distress;

  • 扶灵柩

    act as pallbearer


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 扶卿

    Fu Qing

  1. 他猛伸手臂扶她,她才没有跌倒。

    He flung out an arm to stop her from falling .

  2. 你抱婴儿时要把头扶好。

    Support the baby 's head when you hold it .

  3. 他扶住椅子后背,以免摔倒。

    He held onto the back of the chair to stop himself from falling .

  4. 她扶他站了起来。

    She helped him to his feet .

  5. 加文·黑斯廷斯脚踝受伤,被扶下了场。

    Gavin Hastings was helped from the field with ankle injuries .

  6. 我允许她扶我站起来。

    I allowed her to help me to my feet

  7. 她扶她在床上坐起来,这样她就可以抱着宝宝了。

    She helped her sit up in bed so she could hold her baby .

  8. 这完全是本能的反应——如果一个孩子摔倒了你会把他扶起来。

    It 's an absolutely instinctive reaction — if a child falls you pick it up

  9. 过来扶我起来!

    Come and help me up !

  10. 我重新戴上帽子,扶公爵起身并掸去他身上的土。

    I crammed on my cap again , helped the Duke up and tried to dust him off .

  11. 蓬生麻中,不扶自直。

    When one is surrounded by the virtuous , he 'll become upright himself .

  12. 护士扶起病人,喂他吃药。

    The nurse propped up the patient and fed him medicine .

  13. 这人扶都扶不起来。

    He 's a good-for-nothing that nobody can help .

  14. 一个医生和护士把我父亲从救护车上扶下来。

    A doctor and a nurse are handing my father from the ambulance .

  15. 我需你扶我上这个陡坡。

    I shall need you to hand me up on this difficult slope .

  16. 请扶我上马鞍。

    Please give me a lift onto the saddle .

  17. 他把自己说成是一个勤勤恳恳、自食其力的小商人,深受冷酷无情、扶强欺弱的官僚机构所害。

    He represented himself as a hard-working , self-made small businessman victimized by mindless , bullying bureaucracy .

  18. 把梯子扶稳当。

    Hold the ladder steady .

  19. 当这位女士下车时,那男士有礼貌地把她扶下车。

    As the lady stepped down from the carriage , the gentleman politely handed her out of the car .

  20. 过去的英国,绅士有义务在一位女士上车时扶她一下。

    Part of the gentleman 's duty in former times was to hand a lady in when she entered her carriage in great britain .

  21. 这让你可以自由移动,但如果你摔倒了,它会把你扶起来。

    This allows you to move freely , but will hold you up if you fall .

  22. 同甘共苦,患难相扶

    Share joys and sorrows with your comrades , and support one another in adversity .

  23. 我们把老船长扶起来,

    We lifted the captain 's head .

  24. 西施连忙按着胸口,皱着眉头,扶坐在花园的椅子上。

    Quickly pressing her bosom2 , she sat down with knitted brows in a chair in the garden .

  25. 大扶康注射液联合二性霉素B治疗真菌性角膜溃疡

    Use of fluconazole and amphotericin B to treat fungal corneal ulcer

  26. 基于internet的海扶刀远程医疗系统的研究

    Sea fighter Study of Telemedicine System of " Haifu Knife " Based on Internet

  27. 大扶康治愈33例,两性霉素B治愈27例,死亡5例。

    33 cases were cured with fluconazole , 27 with amphotericin B and 5 died .

  28. 益气调血,扶本培元针刺法对多发梗塞性痴呆大鼠海马bcl-2、bax蛋白表达的影响

    Effects of Acupuncture on Bcl-2 and Bax Expressions in Hippocampus of Rats with Multi-infarct Dementia

  29. 目的:建立复方扶芳藤合剂的HPLC指纹图谱共有模式,为该制剂的质量控制提供新的方法。

    Objective : To establish the characteristic mode of HPLC fingerprint of Fufangteng combination formula for the quality control of this medicine .

  30. Coulomb、Rankine理论在扶悬臂式挡土墙计算中的应用

    Application of theory of Coulomb and Rankine in calculation of overhanging wall