首页 / 词典 / good

  • easy;amiable
  • change;exchange
  • 不费力,与“难”相对:容~。~与(容易对付)。~于。

  • 和悦:平~(a.态度谦逊和蔼;b.指语言文字浅显)。

  • 改变:~手。~地。变~。

  • 交换:交~。贸~。

  • 轻慢:贵货~土。

  • 芟治草木:~墓(除治墓地的草木)。~其田畴。

  • 古书名,《易》即《易经》,也称《周易》。

  • 姓。


(容易) easy:

  • 不易解决

    not easy to solve;

  • 简便易行

    simply and easy to apply;

  • 易患感冒

    catch cold easily; be susceptible to colds;

  • 易涝地区

    areas liable to waterlogging;

  • 易学

    easy to learn;

  • 老年人生活不易。

    Life is not easy with old people.


(平和) amiable:

  • 平易近人

    amiable and easy of access


(改变; 变换) change:

  • 移风易俗

    change prevailing habits and customs; transform social traditions;

  • 易手

    change hands


(交换) exchange:

  • 以物易物


  • 易货协定

    an agreement on the exchange of commodities


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 易牙

    Yi Ya

  1. 本系统与多数系统不同,极易安装。

    Unlike most systems , this one is very easy to install .

  2. 游客成了易遭袭击的目标。

    Tourists have become easy prey

  3. 这地毯已经过处理,不易挂污。

    The carpet has been treated so that it is stain-resistant .

  4. 老人更易骨折。

    Old people 's bones are more prone to fracture .

  5. 这是一道简单易做的菜。

    Here 's a dish that is simple and quick to make .

  6. 这种疾病易在家族里遗传。

    There is a tendency for this disease to run in families .

  7. 他在政治上已经处于极易受到攻击的境地。

    He has laid himself wide open to political attack .

  8. 请注意:这次比赛易地进行。

    Please note the change of venue for this event .

  9. 涉及人的事情,他便极易感到厌烦。

    Where people were concerned , his threshold of boredom was low .

  10. 她不会这么轻易地放弃得来不易的自由。

    She was not going to give up her hard-won freedom so easily .

  11. 这种计算机因设计巧妙、简单易用而广受欢迎。

    This computer is popular for its good design and ease of use .

  12. 单独感谢任何一个人都易引起反感。

    It would be invidious to single out any one person to thank .

  13. 世易时移,现在已不是祖母年轻时那会儿了。

    Times have changed since Grandma was young .

  14. 软性水质不易损伤头发。

    Soft water is kinder to your hair .

  15. 这房子已几易其主。

    The house has changed hands several times .

  16. 这部影片可能使易冲动的孩子感到难过。

    This movie may upset a sensitive child .

  17. 死刑是极易引起激烈争论的问题。

    Capital punishment is a highly emotive issue .

  18. 此信息不易分类。

    The information was not easily classifiable .

  19. 这种论点不易反驳。

    Such arguments are not easily countered .

  20. 我易生厌倦。

    I get bored easily .

  21. 与货船相比,渡船马力大而且易操纵。

    Ferries are very powerful and manoeuvrable compared to cargo ships .

  22. 我最终得到了经济支持,但这得来不易。

    I eventually got financial backing , but it was a slog

  23. 这些练习题标有难易程度。

    The exercises are marked according to their level of difficulty .

  24. 该公司多年来已几易其主。

    The firm has changed hands many times over the years .

  25. 当然,托马斯沉着、冷漠,不易激动。

    Thomas , of course , was cool and aloof and imperturbable .

  26. 这场纠纷可能会让澳大利亚劳资关系稳定这一来之不易的名声毁于一旦。

    The dispute could destroy Australia 's hard-won reputation for industrial stability .

  27. 该制度动机虽好,却易遭滥用。

    The system , though well-meaning , is open to abuse

  28. 女性比男性更易患肠易激综合征。

    Irritable bowel syndrome seems to affect more women than men

  29. 有高血压的人尤其易患糖尿病。

    People with high blood pressure are especially vulnerable to diabetes

  30. 骑马这一活动不适合天性易紧张的人。

    The rides are unsuitable for people of a nervous disposition