
  1. 易说他对于进入NBA打球的期待并不像人们所想像的那样激动。

    Yi says the prospect of playing in the NBA is not as exciting as people expect .

  2. 休易说我的学费是从我爸的补偿金里出的。

    Huey said it was covered under my father 's death benefits .

  3. 易说管理创新

    Ideas in Chou yi about Innovations in Management

  4. 对非专业人员不易说清楚的复杂想法。

    Complex ideas not easily communicable to non-experts .

  5. 其著作《丰川易说》思想丰富,立意鲜明,实为上乘之作。

    His book " Feng Chuan Yi said " thought is rich , clearly , is first-rate .

  6. 当然,易说不易做,它不是完全完美的。

    Now , of course , this is all easier said than done , but it is not complete fantasy .

  7. 中国人广泛使用简缩词因为三个原因:流行、易记和易说。

    Acronyms are commonly used by Chinese people for3 reasons : they are cool and trendy , they are easy to remember , and they 're easy to say .

  8. 禅家借易说禅,以易的阴阳变化与图象思维巧妙地创造了禅宗新的言说方式,是禅易会通的杰作;

    Buddhists subtly create a new way of expression by introducing Yi into Zen Buddhism and using Yi 's changes and imagery thinking , thus becoming a masterpiece of Zen and Yi 's fusion .

  9. “最重要的是迅速融入球队”,易说。“我迟到了两天,有很多东西需要赶上。”

    " The most important thing is to integrate myself into the team ," Yi said . " I 'm two days late , so I have a lot of things to catch up . "

  10. 易还说中国的资本市场正在吸引国际投资者。

    Yi also argued that the Chinese capital market is appealing to international investors .

  11. 试论孙中山“知难行易”说

    On the sun zhongshan 's doctrine of " knowing difficulty and acting easily "

  12. 明清传教士对《山海经》的解读明清之际在华耶稣会士之《易》说

    Theories on Yi by the Jesuit missionaries in China at the turn of the Ming and Qing dynasties

  13. 易冉说网络是她作为单身妈妈表达情绪和挫折的唯一地方。

    Yi Ran explains that the Internet is the only place where she can express her feelings and frustrations as a single mother .

  14. 易纲说,中国黄金的年产量约为300吨,年消费量约为400吨;

    Its annual gold output is about 300 tons , and it consumes about 400 tons on an annual basis , Mr. Yi said .

  15. 明清之际在华耶稣会士之《易》说

    Criticism on Neo-Confucianism by the Jesuits during the Ming and Qing Dynasties Theories on Yi by the Jesuit missionaries in China at the turn of the Ming and Qing dynasties

  16. 易还说人民币的兑换率变得更加灵活,这对国际支付中的平衡非常重要。

    Yi also said the yuan 's exchange rate system has become more flexible , which is important for the country to reach equilibrium in its balance of international payments .

  17. 来自中国西南地区四川省大熊猫繁育中心的恒易先生说,为一只分娩年龄最大、怀孕时间最长的大熊猫申请吉尼斯纪录在世界上还是第一次。

    A staff member from the base center in southwestern Sichuan province , Heng Yi , said the Guinness application for oldest panda to give birth is the first record in history around the world .

  18. 易纲说美国次级债危机影响的加剧及2008年1月底袭击中国中南部的破坏性雪灾使决策环境更加复杂。

    Yi said the deepening of the fallout from the US subprime mortgage crisis and the devastating snow storms that hit much of central and southern China in late January had made the policy-making environment more complex .

  19. 在人们对中国政府对美国国债的投资兴趣日益感到担忧之际,易纲说,中国持有美国国债可以实现互利双赢。中国每天都在买进卖出美国国债,中方希望不要把这样的交易政治化。

    Amid continuing jitters about Beijing 's appetite for U.S. debt , Mr. Yi also said China holding Treasurys can be mutually beneficial for China and the U.S. China buys and sells U.S. Treasurys on a daily basis and Beijing doesn 't want such trading to be politicized , Mr. Yi said .

  20. 哲学视野下的汉易卦气说

    On the Gua-qi theory in the Han Yi learning from philosophical perspectives

  21. 话语易序例说

    Illustration of the change of speaking order with examples

  22. 苏残雪没想到子轩朔易会突然说这话,一时间呆在原地。

    Su destroys snow to have never thought son Xuan Shuo easily will suddenly say this words , the abrupt is foolish at first .

  23. 工商银行行长易会满说,提升与南非标准银行的合作也是工商银行在未来发展中要选择的道路。

    ICBC Chair Yi Huiman reveals that upgrading its partnership with the Standard Bank is part of the Chinese bank 's development plan in the future .

  24. 易纲周二说,中国对美国国债的投资属于市场投资行为。

    Chinese investments in US Treasuries were market investment behaviour , said Yi Gang , director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange , on Tuesday .

  25. 中医学的形成和发展受到了同时代哲学思想的深刻影响,从而形成了医易同源之说。

    The formation and development of Traditional Chinese Medicine profoundly effected by the contemporary philosophical thought , thus forming a theoretics of " the homogeneity of medicine and changes " .

  26. 第七、八章,则总结了在文艺领域援《易》立说的历史发展,并揭示出援《易》立说的现代启示意义。

    Chanter seven and eight give a summary of the development of such thoughts as are based on The Bible of Changes in the field of literature and art and also reveal its significance in modern times .

  27. 上汽集团美国公司(SAICUSAInc.)的总裁鲁易(音)说,将汽车销往海外变得越来越重要,这是上汽集团决定去美国密歇根州的重要因素。

    Yi Lu , president of SAIC USA Inc. , called the growing importance of selling cars abroad a ' significant factor ' in the decision to go to Michigan .

  28. 易努拉-阿瑞斯说,细胞内启动的信号不同于细胞外启动的信号。

    Iruela-Arispe said signaling inside the cell is different from that initiated outside the cell .

  29. 尽管这项工作着实不易,但王弘毅说对于精益求精的追求鼓舞着他们每一个人。

    Despite the hard work , Wang says they are fuelled by their passion for technological perfection .

  30. 沙威抬起头,看见冉阿让,他做了一个不易察觉的动作说。

    Javert raised his head , saw Jean Valjean , made an almost imperceptible movement , and said .