
  • 网络Precursor Chemicals
  1. 在这样的条件下,昆明易制毒化学品的行政管理也就处于被动配合外地行政管理的态势。

    In such circumstances , kunming precursor chemicals administration is passive with nonlocal administration .

  2. 昆明市易制毒化学品管理现状与对策研究

    Kunming Precursor Chemicals Management Status and Countermeasures

  3. 目前,中国政府正在制定全国性的易制毒化学品管理条例

    At present , the Chinese government is formulating nationwide regulations on the control of such chemicals .

  4. 分析师表示,阿里巴巴的行为并无违法之处。他们指出,该公司网站上的敏感商品问题与其他互联网企业存在的第三方问题类似,比如谷歌(Google)的盗版音乐问题,以及eBay上的易制毒化学品问题。

    Analysts say Alibaba has done nothing illegal , noting that the availability of sensitive merchandise on its sites is similar to other third-party issues faced by internet companies , from pirated music on Google to drug precursors on eBay .

  5. PGC抗原对于胃癌前疾病的诊断具有较高的灵敏度和特异度,对于癌前疾病的诊断,对胃癌筛查、早期诊断具有一定的参考价值。化学与易制毒化学品

    PGC has high sensitivity and specificity in diagnosis of precursor of gastric cancer and can be a good indicator in the screening and diagnosis of precursor of gastric cancer and gastric cancer . Chemistry and Precursor Chemicals

  6. 浅议易制毒化学品的法律规制

    Discuss the legal control of the chemicals of easy made-up drugs

  7. 论化工行业易制毒化学品

    Chemistry and Precursor Chemicals Chemicals Processed Easily into Drugs in Chemical Market

  8. 试论易制毒化学品违法犯罪的特点及防治对策

    On the Characteristics and Preventive Measures of Crimes of Easily-made Drug Chemicals

  9. 易制毒化学品管理条例非药品类易制毒化学品生产、经营许可办法

    Manufacture and Operation Permit Regulations for Non-Pharmaceutical-Grade Chemicals Used in Making Illicit Drugs

  10. 不断健全管制易制毒化学品的法规和规章。

    Laws and regulations on the control of such chemicals have gradually been perfected .

  11. 严格管制易制毒化学品

    Exercising Strict Control over the Precursor Chemicals

  12. 集流管的第一转弯处容易产生气蚀;易制毒化学品的犯罪

    Cavitation is liable to appear in the first elbow . Crime of Chemicals Liable to Produce Poison

  13. 化学与易制毒化学品

    Chemistry and Precursor Chemicals

  14. 易制毒化学品违法犯罪是一种危害公共安全的敌我矛盾,必须予以坚决打击。

    Precursor chemicals illegal crime is a kind of endangering public security " party ", must be firmly attack .

  15. 结合昆明区位特点,分析了昆明为什么没有查获由本地直接流入非法的易制毒化学品原因。

    The author analyzed the location feature , kunming , why not seized by local directly into illegal precursor chemicals causes .

  16. 今天,首批易制毒化学品已装载到一艘丹麦货船上运出叙利亚。

    The first batch of precursor chemicals was loaded on a Danish cargo ship today and taken out of the country .

  17. 药品价格调整及集中招标采购对患者药品费用负担的影响易制毒化学品管理条例

    Government price - regulation absent ; The Effect of Drug Price Regulation and Invite Tender for Drug Expenditures of Patients Based - hospital

  18. 三是规定了麻醉药品、精神药品和易制毒化学品管制的种类、范围、措施和办法。

    Provisions on the type , scope , measures and methods for the administration of narcotic drugs , psychotropic drugs and precursor chemicals ;

  19. 易制毒化学品犯罪的主要特点是品种多、数量大,主体复杂,隐蔽性强,境内外毒贩相互勾结、结伙作案。

    This kind of crime has the following characteristics : diversity in goods , large quantity , complicated subject , good concealment and group crime .

  20. 在刑事打击方面:(1)打击易制毒化学品违法犯罪,有效的进行法律宣传,提高群体意识,是降低违法行为发生的一个手段。

    In criminal ( 1 ) blow precursor chemicals illegal crime , effective legal propaganda , improving group consciousness , is one of the infringement occurred .

  21. 为此,需要对目前的易制毒化学品管理的体制和模式进行优化,并对以此为导向进行可行性的探讨和研究。

    Therefore , the need of precursor chemicals management system and optimize the mode , and the feasibility of this guidance for the discussion and study .

  22. 易制毒化学品管理要适应当前禁毒斗争形势,目前昆明市对易制毒化学品管理的机制和模式在昆明本土较为适宜。

    Precursor chemicals manage to adapt to current situation , kunming anti-drug struggle of precursor chemicals management mechanism and mode in kunming local is relatively appropriate .

  23. 生产、经营、购买、运输和进口、出口易制毒化学品的单位,应当建立单位内部易制毒化学品管理制度。

    An entity that produces , distributes , purchases , transports , imports or exports the precursor chemicals shall establish an internal management system for precursor chemicals .

  24. 五是大力开展禁毒严管战役,易制毒化学品和麻醉药品、精神药品流失势头得到有效遏制。

    Great efforts are placed on the campaign of strict control and administration , effectively curbing the diversion of precursor chemicals , narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances .

  25. 国家药监局表示,含麻黄碱类复方制剂是老百姓的常用药品,并未列入易制毒化学品管理。

    The State Food and Drug Administration said that there was no need for people to worry about taking such medicines as they contained a tiny amount of ephedrine .

  26. 本文在实验室先前工作的基础上,设计开发了针对气体易制毒化学品检测的软硬件系统。

    In this paper , on the basis of previous work in the laboratory , we design and develop the hardware and software systems for gas precursor chemicals detected .

  27. 目前,我国易制毒化学品犯罪日趋严重,正在从单纯的走私出境向国内非法买卖发展,并且在全国范围内迅速蔓延。

    At present , crime of chemicals liable to produce poison in our country is becoming more and more serious , developing from unitarily smuggling overseas to illegally dealing at home , and expanding quickly throughout the country .

  28. 项目生产装置包含有压力容器、压力管道、电动葫芦、电梯等特种设备,产品的生产使用和涉及到多种易燃易爆化学品、危险化学品、易制毒化学品。

    Production facilities includes pressure vessels , pressure piping , electric hoists elevator , and other special equipments . A variety of flammable and explosive chemicals , dangerous chemicals , precursor chemicals are involved in production of the product .

  29. 严厉惩治易制毒化学品犯罪,必须提高认识,加强领导,堵住漏洞,严格对缉毒人员的培训,提高查缉能力,同时要完善相关的法律、法规。

    To punish severely these crimes , we should improve our understanding , strengthen the leadership , be strict to the training of officials devoted to suppression of drug and traffickers , improve the capability of investigation and suppression and perfect relative laws .