首页 / 词典 / good

  • water;irrigate
  • fertile;rich
  • 土地肥:~土。~饶(土地肥沃,物产丰富)。~腴。肥~。~野。~壤。

  • 灌溉,浇:~田。~盥。如汤~雪。

  • 光盛,丰美:~~。

  • 姓。


(灌溉) water; irrigate:

  • 沃田

    irrigate farmland;

  • 如汤沃雪

    as watering snow with hot water


(土地肥) fertile; rich:

  • 良田沃土

    fertile soil and rich fields


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 沃焦

    Wo Jiao

  1. 多元分析在确立盐渍土淡化肥沃层指标中的应用

    The applications of multivariate analysis in establishing indices for " desalinized fertile layers " in salt-affected soil

  2. 说明红砂灌丛具有明显的沃岛效应,并对草本植物的生长有促进作用。

    These results suggested that shrub R.soongorica had obvious " fertile island " effect , and had promotion effect on the growth of underlying herb plants .

  3. 沃舒格尔河在波特兰附近注入哥伦比亚河。

    The Washougal empties into the Columbia River near Portland .

  4. 沃的板球打得很臭。

    Waugh was a duffer at cricket .

  5. 斯洛沃说这是一次重大的活动,他希望活动能够井然有序,不出乱子。

    Slovo said it was a great occasion which he hoped would come off in an orderly and peaceful way .

  6. 我们在沃伯顿分了手。

    We parted in warburton .

  7. 退化草地暗沃寒冻雏形土CO2释放的日变化和季节动态

    No-hair day diel and seasonal changes of carbon dioxide emission from mollic-cryic Cambisols on degraded grassland

  8. 游客长期以来都将棕榈餐厅(Palm)或者史密斯•沃伦斯基牛排馆视为不可错过的用餐目的地。

    And tourists have long prized a visit to the palm or Smith & Wollensky as a must-dine experience .

  9. 女性CEO更多是从外部聘请,法沃若认为,这可能导致与公司的内部关系较为薄弱。

    Women are also more often hired externally , a finding Favaro explained could lead to weaker internal relationships within their firms .

  10. 另外,法沃若还指出,总体上,聘请外部CEO往往出现在一家公司状况不佳的时候。

    Outsider CEOs , in general , also tend to get hired more frequently when a company isn 't performing well , according to Favaro .

  11. 科技媒体theverge指出,这是沃兰达自2007年推出以来的首次大改。

    The Verge notes that this is the first major redesign of the Volt since it debuted in 2007 .

  12. 借助中国联通企业品牌,大力重塑沃品牌新形象,以品牌提高企业在3G市场的竞争力。

    Vigorously reconstruction new image of brand " Wo " with China Unicom brand to improve enterprise competitiveness for the brand in the 3G market .

  13. 未来中国电信股份有限公司(ChinaTelecomCorp.)也可能加入这一行列。中国联通沃商店副总经理沈洲上周早些时候对《华尔街日报》“中国实时报”栏目说,双方将于5月17日推出融合计费SDK样品。

    The two will launch a prototype of the plugin on May 17th , China Unicom Deputy General Manager Shen Zhou told China Real Time earlier this week .

  14. 法沃若和他的同事们有信心未来更多女性将成为CEO,但Strategy&的其他研究结论所显示的前景较为黯淡。

    Favaro and his colleagues are confident that more women will become CEOs with time , yet other Strategy & findings paint a bleak picture for the future .

  15. 当然,雅各布是在沃瑟斯坦去世后,于去年11月才接替他出任Lazard的CEO。

    To be sure , Jacobs took over as CEO in only November , following Wasserstein 's death .

  16. 玉米地方种质沃日黄与其选系重组自交后代的SSR标记及配合力分析【生】杂交后代,子代

    The Analysis Base on the SSR and the Combining Ability of the Inbred Generation from the Cross of Local Maize Germplasm and Its Derived Lines

  17. 鑫科在提交给上海证交所的一份文件中称,今年在香港设立了国际传媒投资子公司沃太极国际(WotaijiInternationalMedia),该公司将作为本次收购主体。

    Xinke said in a filing on the Shanghai stock exchange that this year it had set up an international media investment arm , Wotaiji International Media , based in Hong Kong , which would be in charge of the Voltage stake .

  18. 根据GB184047-2000,虽属同类气体,但沃泊指数W和燃烧速度指数CP变化很大,因此引起发动机的性能和排放发生变化。

    According to GB 184047-2000 , these kinds of nature gas change in Ober number and number of combustion velocity greatly , thus the engine power and emission change obviously .

  19. 单独驾驶沃蓝达的车主现在可在加州使用拼车车道(carpoollane)&这在交通拥堵的加州可是极高的优待。

    Solo volt drivers are now allowed to use the carpool lanes there & a highly-valued option in the traffic-clogged Golden State .

  20. 法沃若解释称,美国和加拿大的公司文化进化最快,过去十年它们的女性CEO比例最高。

    Companies in the U.S. and Canada , where Favaro explained the culture is advancing at the fastest rate , have garnered the highest percentage of women CEOs for the past decade .

  21. 这位30岁的NSA泄密者仍然躲藏在莫斯科谢列梅捷沃机场的一间转港休息室内。

    The 30-year-old NSA leaker remains holed up here in a transit lounge of Moscow 's Sheremetyevo airport .

  22. 套用伊夫琳•沃(EvelynWaugh)一句著名的台词,我往往把孩子视为有缺陷的成年人。

    I tend to regard babies as defective adults to paraphrase Evelyn Waugh 's infamous line .

  23. 与此同时,在砸下数十亿美元开发雪佛兰沃兰达(Volt)却宣告失败后,它还必须重新树立自己作为技术领跑者的形象。

    Meanwhile the company has to reestablish itself as a technology leader after lavishing more than a billion dollars on the failed Chevrolet Volt .

  24. 通用汽车当然不愿错过这个机会。上周日晚,经过重新设计的新款雪佛兰沃兰达轿车(ChevyVolt)借助这个舞台闪亮登场。

    On Sunday night , GM tried to capitalize on that by giving a sneak peak of a redesigned Chevy Volt .

  25. 午餐——如今由牛排连锁餐厅“史密斯与沃伦斯基”(Smith&Wollensky)捐赠——本身的开销上涨更为温和。

    The cost of the meal itself , now donated by steakhouse chain Smith & Wollensky , has risen more modestly .

  26. 伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)分析师马克斯?沃伯顿(MaxWarburton)辩称:“这些活动根本不可能实现20%的利润率,对任何地区的任何一家企业都是如此。”

    Max Warburton , analyst at Bernstein , argues : " Precisely none of these activities makes 20 per cent margins for anyone , anywhere . "

  27. 很多年轻律师后来会发现,他们根本不适合律所的工作和生活,据律所咨询公司EdgeInternational的帕米拉•沃都称,约70%的律师会在入行后四年内离开。

    Many of these young lawyers , though , will find that they are simply not cut out for law firm life and , according to Pamela woldow of law firm consultancy edge international , approximately 70 % will leave within the first four years of practice .

  28. 但我能告诉你,英航的CEO威利·沃舒常常对我说,在裁减经费并通过改革挽救公司上,他不会有任何退缩。

    But I can tell you that CEO Willie Walsh of BA has said to me many times , he will not back down when it comes to cutting cost and imposing changes to save this airline .

  29. 目前,包括特斯拉(Tesla)S,通用沃蓝达(Volt)和日产聆风(Leaf)在内,市面上共有8家厂商生产的14款插电式电动汽车。

    Currently 14 plug-in models are available from eight automotive manufacturers including the Tesla s ( tsla ) , the GM volt ( GM ) , and the Nissan LEAF ( nsany ) .

  30. 英国各大超市连锁店佳世客、沃尔玛、塞恩斯伯里、沃玛特分店ASDA和WM摩利西医等店的销售量都在增长。

    Britain 's leading supermarket chains , Tesco , Sainsbury , Wal-Mart Stores subsidiary ASDA and WM Morrison all reported sales were bearing up well .