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  1. 那姓洛的认识奥斯华多年。

    And that Ruby knew Oswald for years .

  2. 可是我到现在不知道那姓曹的是什么样儿的人。现在三先生还没来,什么都由我姓屠的负责任

    But I still don 't know what sort of guy that Ts'ao fellow is . " In any case , until Mr. Wu comes in , I alone am responsible for everything that goes on in this factory !"

  3. 好吧,那Freddy姓什么?

    Blair : Okay . What was Freddy 's last name ? -

  4. 那萨米姓什么,约翰或者威廉姆斯?

    What 's sammy 's last name , Johnson or williams ?

  5. adj.死的当唯一的继承人死了之后没儿子,那这个姓就要绝迹了。

    defunct A family name becomes defunct when the only heir dies without any son .

  6. 那是他的姓

    Rachel : Well that 's his last name .

  7. 资料很快查出,宣传片上的那名工人姓杨,正是五年前用木棍将邻居打成轻伤后逃跑的犯罪嫌疑人。

    The material finds out very quickly , on promotional film that worker is surnamed Yang , the suspect who is precisely five years ago makes into the neighbor minor wound escapes after the wooden club .

  8. 我让那孩子跟我姓。

    I gave that kid my name .