
  • 网络The Five
  1. 那五位具有真才实学的工程师是这个小厂的中流砥柱。

    The five engineers of real learning are the mainstays of the small factory .

  2. 你们是不是告发了那五家中的一家?

    Did you rat on one of the five families ?

  3. 在那五幢一排的房子中我们的一幢在中间。

    Ours is the middle house in that row of five .

  4. 他那五岁的儿子总缠着他。

    His five-year old son stuck to him like a leech .

  5. 那五年并没有改变我。

    Those five years didn 't change me . They just ...

  6. 那五个人也算为国捐驱?

    Why do those five show up on our battalion list ?

  7. 那五种金属的价格在十年里跌得一塌糊涂。

    Prices of all five metals fell in real terms .

  8. 我不能用教那五个徒儿的方法教�

    l cannot train you the way l have trained the Five .

  9. 你没有演唱的那五年间。

    That five year gap when you didn 't sing .

  10. 那个大洞把我们和那五个海盗隔开。

    the hole was between us and the other five .

  11. 那五天对我来说就象五年一样长。

    Those five days seemed to me as many years .

  12. 那五个人,一个跟着一个,也走出了木栅栏。

    The five men emerged , one after another , from the enclosure .

  13. 我那五封信还在路上。

    My five letters are still on the way .

  14. 那五个穿着背心的男孩有五个可爱的花瓶。

    The boys with vest have five lovely vases .

  15. 泳池里死的那五个怎么办呢?

    What about the five dead around the pool ?

  16. 那五个人被抓住并被控告。

    The five men were caught and indicted .

  17. 就是整上面讲的那五个字。

    They are the five problems listed above .

  18. 那五王逃跑,藏在玛基大洞里。

    Now the five kings had fled and hidden in the cave at Makkedah .

  19. 我很爱那五个男人,哪怕他们从来都不知道我的存在。

    I love the five men , even if they never know my existence .

  20. 那五个打拳的巫师快速地跳动。

    The five boxing wizards jumps quickly .

  21. 那五个警察把自行车停在往西行的路上,站在那儿等我。

    The five police stopped at their bicycles on the westward trail waiting for me .

  22. 你还记得我没有车费时你给我的那五块钱么?

    You remember that fiver you gave me the time I didn 't have carfare ?

  23. 这是你的第一次被带去那五星级饭店咩?

    This is the first time they 've taken you to a shelter , huh ?

  24. 这样,保留下来的那五个问题集每个占你总分的5%。

    Hence , each of the5 retained problem sets counts for5 % of your grade .

  25. 那五年的加速发展功劳不小,这是我的评价。

    In my opinion , the accelerated development of that period was no small contribution .

  26. 我们喜欢那五个漂亮的风筝。

    We like the five nice kites .

  27. 随后,若苏厄将那五个王子杀死,将他们悬在五棵树上,直悬至晚上。

    Joshua immediately put them to death by hanging them on five trees until evening .

  28. 那五英镑在哪儿?

    Where 's that five pounds ?

  29. 还是那五年加速发展也算一功?

    Should not the accelerated development of the preceding five years be considered an achievement too ?

  30. 什么是欲望呢?有五种牵动欲望的绳索,那五种呢?

    What is sensual desire ? There are five cords of sensual pleasure . What five ?